Make Divine Storm a spender

Hi all

I would like to know what people think about making Divine Storm a spender instead of a shared CD with Crusader Strike.

For anyone else that has played retail ret for many years and all the classic rebirth phases, you will know exactly why I am suggesting this as our AOE is very clunky now in Cata and really underperforming in cleave situations especially. Having to spend holy power on Templar Verdict in aoe situations is really counter-productive, and rely on Divine Storm to hit 4 targets to generate holy power even more so. With making Divine Storm a spender (as they adjusted to in later expansions), I also suggest:

  • Divine Purpose proccing Divine Storm
  • Buffing Divine storm slightly to 150% wep damage to compensite it’s overall reduced apm (compared to currently being shared with CS i.e. approx 4 second CD). This will also make it worth using on 3 or more targets.

I don’t see this as a major change, and more as a small tweak to improve playability in cleave and aoe situations.

Keen to hear what you all think?

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Or just make templars hit 1 or 2 additional targets while using seal of righteousness.


Keep it the way it is because it’s not a huge issue

Divine storm was originally a spender, it was universally hated.

Having a non spender divine storm allows non targeted AoE for pvp or mob tagging. It adds more cleave than it being a spender would provide.

The only issue with it sharing a cd is requiring 4 targets to generate HP. If a mob dies as you are gonna use it, it feels bad. If it was reduced to 3 targets, it would be amazing.

Pallies have insane aoe… will give you if its 2 or 3 mobs they are kinda weak, but not every class has to be amazing at everything. As it is rn ret does really strong ST and aoe. Not great cleave. Just like combat rogues are great cleave and ST bad aoe,

Basically its a non issue imo.

pallies do not have ‘insane’ aoe lol. The class feels incredibly clunky and having to swap seals and do ST target damage cause your main ‘aoe’ attack doesnt generate holy power unless its 4+ mobs is awful feeling

Nah sorry, we’re no longer a decent cleave, we have insane single target but this is no longer wrath

Uncapped 100% weapon damage + extra holy damage every 4.5 seconds isn’t good aoe kekw

??? As i said cleave isnt great, but aoe is absolutely cracked. On pretty much any aoe pull i will top charts, and ret is my offspec lol. Having an aoe that does weapon damage scaling damage to everything + insquisition + wings or trinket. Add on a seal thay does aoe
and conc which does uncapped aoe damage. Some classes keep up, but not many. If its 4+ targets pallies will almost always be top.

Edit: forgot mastery also makes your DS+inquisition combo even better. Ofc after seeing many pally players i think most of this just boils down to a skill issue. Seeing pallies with zin struggling to do 10k is insane to me. A good pally should be well over 20k ST on bosses and over 30-40k on aoe pulls generally in full HC gear.

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