Make default Raid Frames grow up/left?

Is there a way (or an addon) that gives a bit more flexibility to the customization of Raid Frames to make them grow up or left, or control where in the group pets are displayed, or anything like that?

I quite like the default raid frames and I am trying to thin out my addon profile leading into a new expansion, but the only thing I don’t like about it is the growth customization. Am I missing something obvious?


Looks like no. :frowning:

If there’s anyone that knows an answer to OP’s question - I’d love to know too!

I like the default raid frames and dont want to radically reskin them or anything. Any way to have them grow up-and-left from their anchor would be perfect!


They should add an option for the default raid frames to grow upward

I’m sick and tired of having to reposition them every single time I do a 10 man/15 man/25 man/40 man battleground