lame, boring and encourages gold buying
literally nobody likes sinking gold to get gear ppl just want to get to 60 and parse
Just level up professions and make it yourself lol
You can always make it yourself and sell at cheaper prices.
every gold sink in game its a encourages gold buying now? go and play a fun server, this is not for you.
Wah give me welfare epics
Wah what do you mean i need to play the game to progress??
I wish they brought back gdkp soo i could just buy gear without having to do anything - the posts vibe
Not sure what server you play on, but it is pretty cheap on Crusader Strike (US). Mooncloth was currently only like 22g the other day and hides were only like 26g.
That’s way cheaper than some of the prices in vanilla, classic, and anniversary…
These should be included in whatever upcoming Tarnished Undermine Real box they’re adding, as Arcanite Bars, another profession cooldown item used for T3 has been in them for some time.
Everyone knew they were needed for T3 and had all the previous phases to build a stash.
yes let me make everything myself when it has a daily+ cooldown
the people disagreeing with me have room temp iqs
just remove gold, put every item in the game on a vendor for 1 copper.
based and true
thats what i did. 7 characters with alchemy 5 with leather working 3 with tailoring. doesnt take long to level characters or profs in sod
how do you people not see how this is absurd “i leveled 7 characters with professions in order to get geared”
If someone likes to level alts and make gold, cool
But you dont need to do that if youre playing 1 character to get the mats for naxx items.
There was months to prepare for it, just a few weeks ago cured hides and mooncloth were selling for next to nothing. Now people woke up they need those mats soo obv they went up in price.
Srsly its your own fault
because it only takes a few hours. you only need to get to level 35-40
what if im a returning player or a friend wants to try sod out
srsly you’re really dumb if you think it’s a good design hence why it hasnt been a thing since vanilla ended
If you’re just starting it will be a while before you see Naxx tier loot so you’ll still have time to get the mats.
If you’ve been here all along and didn’t plan ahead, well see the Ant and the Grasshopper.
you do understand that the reason they stopped having this in the game was because it was bad how are you still defending it
I have 9 mooncloth CD’s I do every 4 days and 4 cured rugged CD’s I do every 3 days. I would appreciate if the time and effort I put towards this wasn’t devalued because people didn’t prepare for the phase and complained about it. Be smart and buy mats while their cheap. Yes, the price of tier will be high week 1, but it will go down each and every week since demand will decrease after everyone has their tier.
tldr: you are selfish and don’t want to see change because you are putting an absurd amount of time into an outdated system