Make corrupted ashbringer the slowest weapon for seal twisting

And add holy damage increase to it, so hunters can’t roll with their troll spec.


Monkey Paw: Corrupted Ashbringer will have a 10 second swing timer.

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Make it agi for hunters since the sword is corrupted. Any self respecting paladin wouldn’t want to handle such a corrupted and dark weapon.

Should be slow, if you want Holy damage on it then SoD should place the Ashbringer questline in.

Oh look wanting to make paladins even more OP nice

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Imagine the reckoning bomb on that

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Don’t worry with enough spam we can make paladins give up on their quest for the obvious hunter weapon.

Says the warlock that dot and run to the death.

And way higher dps in PVE.

You gotta need some hands

Might of menethil will be slow. CA will probably be fast and have spell power scaling on the proc. That’s my guess.

Make its effect work only on ranged attacks

Bet you money ashebringer will be like twins weapon fast for exo spam and KT weapon will stay bis why is everyone wanting corrupted ashebringer when KT mace is significantly better

There is no weapon more paladin than ashbringer, corrupted or otherwise.

You jest, but Seal of Command is a 6 Procs Per Minute effect.

If you have a 10 second swing timer, suddenly Seal of Command becomes a near guaranteed proc (I believe there still is some randomness, but the odds are incredibly low that you miss a proc).

If it has 90 dps like Wowhead thinks it’ll have, you’re looking at 900 damage swings, with a 630 damage proc, all of this before any bonuses from Attack Power.

Assuming Naxx has gear with ~10% more AP on it, you’re looking at ~1.6k AP from gear and self-buffs (I’m basing this on Wowhead’s BiS guide, blame them if it seems off), which amounts to another 116 DPS, or 1160 damage on your Auto Attacks and 812 for SoC.

3458 damage with every swing of your sword sounds pretty juicy, not gonna lie.

11.7k damage is what I’m imagining, from just the swing, SoC and 4 stacks of Reckoning. That’s before reductions of course, but whoever is on the receiving end is going to be absolutely splattered regardless.

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Warlocks have a 3 button rotation and pump 5k+ DPS lounging in a lazyboy, at least ret paladins still have to macro and twist.