Make cape lvl 8-12 2 pages per lvl

Depends on whether you have elite extermination or not. It’s basically impossible to do a full clear without it.

How so? All of my alts were already rank 15 when this went out, so I have no way of knowing if it wasn’t changed.

Ranks 9 -11 for sure are still 4 pages. I expect 12 is too

Its only for 9 to 12 after that its 1 -2 pages

What else do we all have to do for the next 6 to 7 months, may as well farm w/e to pass the time.

That’s time I could spend not getting old mount/mog drops!


Oh you can still farm those to😁

It’ll probably take me a month or 6 weeks to get both my cloaks to 15. If I haven’t burned myself out by then I guess it’s back to MC for that second windseeker binding!

I just got back from a six month break from wow so it isn’t to bad at the moment.

I am missing how they screwed that up? You can get four pages from a full clear, which is exactly what they said they changed. It use to take 3 clears to get the six pages you needed. After the change you can do every rank in a single run, with 9 - 12 requiring a full clear for the four pages.

So OP is lying about the 6 pages? Cool

I suppose screwed up is the wrong term. But why make 9-12 need a full clear, when they’re already much more difficult to do a full clear of than 13-15, especially seeing as it’s a catch up change?

9-12 should have gone to 2 pages, and 13-15 should have gone to 4

I can’t say for sure, as I didn’t have any alts below rank 15 when this want live. But given the way things are around the forums, I am sure they would have been holy hell if they said they reduced it and then didn’t.

Considering I don’t see any mobs with torches and pitchforks…

If rank 13-15 went to 4 pages then you wouldn’t be able to upgrade your cloak in just 1 run because those ranks require pages that can only be collected from the harder zones. (so 2 pages max per vision)

Hmm. I don’t have any that high, so I haven’t run into that. So you still have to full clear, but that only gives 2 of the pages needed if I’m reading you right?

You actually don’t need a full clear for 13-15. I still recommend doing one though because of the echoes it gives :slight_smile:

You need a full clear for 8-12.

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No, you can do it by just clearing the back two zones but if you are going that far you may as well do the front two for the extra echoes, mementos are bonus loot for a full clear.

Ah. Thanks. Best I can do so far is 2 and maybe get alleria down (haven’t tried org yet) I’m interested to see how it looks at 12.

Org is way easier than SW. The only part that seems to get people is Rexxar and if you have gift of the titans, you can set it up to be a cake walk.

Yeah does sound like that’s a big help. I just got the elite one last night, so it’ll be a while on Titan. The downside of coming back late in the expansion.