Make Balance Druid great again

Honestly, if it takes them 64 days to fix an issue like this, that’d probably be deserved.


Speak of the devil, they actually gave an update:

Good on that person bumping it and keeping on Kav about it, who knows may of helped with the update…which still does not make it ok (also I am not a tech person so I don’t know diddly about the okely dokely nightmare of dealing with all that).

lol reroll rogue

Changes to the game are not good for Classic, regardless of expansion or personal wants.

Your personal wants aren’t good either.

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Very few people on this forum are. A lot like to pretend they are and act like as if fixing the game is always “simple.”

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That’s cause in some cases it is.

When you play on a pvp server, queue for a dungeon in Dalaran without a pvp flag and get pvp flagged upon entering a dungeon the fix is literally staring you in the face.

Except you have no basis for this claim other than that you believe it’s simple. You’re not an authority on how simple or not simple it is to fix this game. Blizzard is.


It might help if they had more than one person working on WotLKC.

One seems incredible optimistic. I’d wager the only reason the pvp flag is getting any attention whatsoever is cause it bleeds over to problems for SoD/Cataclysm since it’s been an issue since 2019.

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Remind me how this went?

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