Make Atonement One Hour Party-Wide Buff for Disc Priests

With optional current way of few secs duration buff manually applied, obviously for Raids/Larger groups.

When it comes to healing, Disc Priest is the ONLY spec that needs to manage a certain buff must be presented on players to land a heal that’s based on their core gameplay mechanic, being “Do healing while doing damage”.

A lot of complaints about Atonement are it’s having a very short duration, not easy to re-apply when it comes to entire party and hard to maintain, it’s just extra hassle.

Having it only Party-Wide makes it not OP for Raids and with optional manual buff that can be applied to more targets (with few secs duration like now) still have them able to do on-demand healing to few others outside of the party group in Raid settings. Can also have it with the usual “Reduced healing done beyond 5/8 targets” as well, again to keep them in-check for Raid groups but still no issues for Dungeons.

Any thoughts? :thinking: