Make An'she/Belore A Thing

That art is beautiful omg


Anshe dual wielding solar swords and Musha/Elune having lunar bow and arrow slaps so hard

Elune confirmed Hunter, Anshe confirmed Warrior


They’re going all in on Elune’s Artemis comparison. Which l guess is totally logical.

Duel blades though? Oh lawd. Perfect for a god who can’t sit still.

Elune: “The bow is a weapon of grace and precision. It is an art to master and wonderous to -”

As an aside, it looks like the Vulpera are getting a story as well. I assume that would be “Lay Down My Bones”.

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I love how I was like “Make An’she a thing, have him be a warrior” and Blizzard was like “bet”

That is, Mother Earth placed Mu’Sha and An’She in heaven to always watch over them and to rest with dignity? Or have I mixed something up again?

Chu, goblins bury things with the deceased and even give him gifts. Suspicious.

She put them in her eyes to keep them safe while she rested after creating the world.

Our original understanding on Mu’sha and An’she was that they were her literal eyes that she tore out in grief once the Tauren started falling prey to ‘dark whispers’ and war. From there they became their own beings.

This is an expansion of that story, establishing Mu’sha (Elune) and An’she as actual beings and children of the Earth Mother.


And instead of ripping them out, she takes them in to protect them from the shadows

I get the impression both are still true. We now know how An’she and Mu’sha became her eyes, but we don’t know how they got out (If they even did). There’s still room for the Earth Mother ripping them out once the Tauren start listening to Papa N’zoth and co. The Void Lords (and Old Gods by extension) might have a part to play in this tale going forward that we haven’t seen yet as this ‘darkness’.

I’m pumped for this!


I wonder if Bwonsamdi will get a story. Or at least trolls

We got an index. Right now is kul’tiras, dwarf/goblin, tuskarr, tauren

And nice, we got the taurenperspektive. Lets see how this play out

Maybe we’ll get a seperation of elune/mu’sha now

Or re-affirm they’re the same being and further solidify An’she as Elune’s brother to your anger and detriment.


maybe, but the point is, the earthmother take back the eyes of her, elune is an goddes not limited to Azeroth, that somehow contradicts itself

Transcribed the Tirnenn voice lines, one of them is “Your advent was etched in sunlight.”

Curious, given there is neither moon nor sun in Ardenweald. :eyes:

Faeries see Ardenweald through Moonsight, but Tirnenn refer to sunlight.

Stupid question.
And what is his moonkin?

Bumping so as not to make a new thread cuz it’s an’she related.

Apparently An’she was wounded by the Old Gods and Musha/Elune is having to sustain him actively (sigh)

But the Blue Child = Lo’sho, and Lo = Ghost because of Lo’Gosh = Ghost Wolf, and Sho doesn’t exist in Taur-ahe but it’s proximal to “She” which by itself means Earthmother, so Blue Child = Ghost of the Earthmother

Blue Child is born from a tear of the Earthmother, and so is her daughter, making Blue Child the SISTER of the White Lady.

I think Blue Child is the Winter Queen in this story.

hrmm, iÂŽÂŽm pretty sure now, the earthmother is azeroth , the titan

No because she laid on the world and Azeroth was already there. Can’t have a world with no world-soul. Besides, Elune the daughter of a Titan? Oof.

I think Azeroth’s World Soul was infused with the Earthmother, a First One.

Also this implies, as I mention in a comment in that reddit thread, the Winter Queen is Lo’sho (which would mean Ghost-Something), since Lo’sho is born of Earthmother’s Tear and Mu’sha/White Lady/Elune finds her in the field and presents her to the Earthmother.

edit, apparently in another story, the Blue Child is also Elune/White Lady’s child.



Then the horde finally has its First one :wink:

the blue child granted once the blue dragon aspect the power about arcane magic, so the blue child is an arcan entity? (kalec)

I predict: Elune was the life, the blue child was the arcane magic. together they then worked astral magic and everything Elune did until now
she was never alone.

I genuinely think trying to make high elves into unironic sun cultists is incredibly silly. I don’t know if I think it’s bad, but I do think it’s silly.

I can totally believe, on the other hand, that a faction might have tried to do this after the quel’dorei lapsed out of tacit Elune worship (which imo based on nomenclature in Quel’thalas likely didn’t fully happen for a fairly long time) or even pushed for it as a way to potentially push out leftover elunarian elements. And that it might have gotten stronger, somewhat, with cultural contact with the Tauren.

If anything having belf light worship be closer to sun worship we might have to deal less with the blood knights being reduced to carbon copy silver hand.

But I still think it’s a bit silly.

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I can see it now. We, the mighty heroes of Azeroth, help restore An’she to his full might and drive back to void from the realms of Life once and for all. He turns, striking an epic pose against the light of the sun and speaks to his sister.

An’she: “My sister
 It has been long that I have been able to stand without your assistance. However, I must beg one final favor.”

Elune: “Brother! It is a blessing to have you with us once more! Speak and it shall be.”

An’she: “Bring me my drums! I’ve had an absolute BANGER stuck in my head for the past two millennia and I NEED to pla-”

Elune: Bashes him over the head with his drum

Edit: This actually makes the Winter Queen make a bit more sense. She only speaks of a sister, likely due to An’she being wounded very soon after her birth. She may know very little about her brother, if anything at all. Her bitterness at Elune could come from that Elune has been prioritizing their brother to keep him stable while secluding the Winter Queen away in the Shadowlands for her protection, which she clearly sees as an act of abandonment.