Make An'she/Belore A Thing

So you have a claim to my lore about the lack of Scourge parts in the Forsaken, or not?

That moment when you realize every culture in real life has had a Sun and Moon God/Goddess

And yet, we got ignorant people trying to say that somehow harms the Night elves…when they’re based on nothing more than New Age Pagan practices and can’t trace any of their lore to ancient celts/pagans.

Did I miss anything?


So we need an outside expert who looks neutral or at least tries to take this position and is approved by both sides?

It’s literally just NERPs complaining about the past SIXTEEN (16) YEARS of narrative development, exacerbated by complaining about the First Ones and the story that is coming.


Because I oppose your idea you have a right to insult me?, you have no argument, none at all, except “YOU WILL!”

So who should take your own advice here? You have no right to agree, only to discuss, with opening this thread.

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NEFPA! Write correctly! NERP? No, RP gaming I not play.

Sixteen years of development of the Horde makes them bloodthirsty monsters, following anyone! ACCEPT THIS TRANSACTION!

It’s sad because most of them don’t even know what they’re arguing for or against. It’s always boils down to REEE BLIZZARD HATES US.

I mean, imagine arguing that the Native American based culture(Tauren) is ignorant/wrong, while the New Age Pagan Race(Night elves) are right. It’s cringe and sad.


its not about rl-culture, you know, its about a fantasy game, because in rl exist different deitys, its not a promise to be the same in a game :wink:

@Sarm , What other neutrals do you know?

The races in game are based heavily on IRL cultures. And we will discuss those connections when we notice the parallels


I insult you because your arguments are pathetic and based on sheer narrative entitlement of Night Elf primacy in the macroscopic cosmology and the pseudo-theology behind it.

I insult you because you are extremely deluded in thinking:

In insult you because you literally think that the existence of any progress or development in other “mysterious cosmic super beings” damages your little psycho bubble of night elf power fantasy.

It’s insane.

You’re insane.


Nope, WoW is 100% missing a solar deity and it is coming and will, if the writers aren’t idiots, be Horde-leaning as Elune is Alliance-leaning.


I just don’t agree with your idea, that’s all, actually, if that’s enough to be insane in your eyes, fine, that doesn’t change the fact that your idea is bad.

its not about a SUN-Deity, its about the price to build a EQUAL to elune, you know…build a elune COPY! you don´t even understand the point, to have a equal for the horde.

That’s just a terrible hot take bro, and you really should be ashamed for even thinking that would be okay to portray in game.

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Weird how the idea actually seems to be popular, has a lot of likes, and only you and five other players seem to have anything against it.


Reported. Weirdo.

This is who is defending you Zahir. This is who you attract.


it’s nothing of its own…it’s a “different themes but same level as elune to give the horde the same too…just for the sake of balance, it has no deeper story reason than that”.

And? It could 1.000.000 million people agree with you, its only your opinion, nothing more.

i’m not saying you’re insane, i’m just saying your idea is bad :wink:

But why? Because you want a equal being to Elune, its about THE ONLY REASON, to have A EQUAL BEING, its exist no deeper sense.

The really weird part is…he can’t understand that a Sun and a Moon God/Goddess don’t have to be equals. It’s cringe

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I literally gave over a dozen tie-ins.

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