Make An'she/Belore A Thing

All kinds of yes, give some other races worship legitimacy and not just the night elves. I don’t consider the humans left out of this cause they worship the light, and dwarves-gnomes technically worship Titans so they already have their gods or beings of power to worship. Trolls are also exempt due to them worshipping the loa, it would just flesh things out more imo.


While I am probably more well known for being a troll advocate on these forums I have loooong been frustrated by the fact that tauren, another race I really enjoy, are the only race in the game who’s religion appears to be a complete lie.

That’s messed up, man. Throw the cows a bone. Make An’she a real power in the universe.


This is idea is fantastic. I can get behind it 1000 percent

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Precisely! While Elune focuses more on balance/flow of things, Mother Moon and Night Warrior, with a focus on nature and life and death through nature, it would An’she who deal with the “hard parts” of the universe: the stability of the elements, the sun and planets materializing, the metaphysics of the Light, the occasional need for total destruction (Fel), etc

Yay :smiley:

Nice :smiley:

Blizzard like making pantheons should just double down on actual gods instead of being of extreme power like Titans, light lord, void lord etc.

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An’she doesn’t have to be real, having Tauren get their power from the Light is fine. Belore is a thing that RPers have created to make a Blood Elven sungod cult, it’s kinda silly. Creating another character based on real life African or South American deities gives people another chance to call Blizzard racist. We get that more than enough from Troll players already. Having a race of Warcraft characters worship a false religion is fine, not everyone has to be correct.

What? Why?

Why are you involving orcs in this at all?


Why not?


  • Restored the Prime Naaru of the Draeni/Lightforged via an object given to the Night Elves by the creators of the Gnomes, Dwarves, and Humans
  • Is partially responsible for the existence of Wrogen via-a-vis the Staff of Elune component of the Scythe of Elune
  • *gestures to all of Night Elf everything *
  • Possibly partially responsible for the Jinyu vis-a-vis Well of Eternity water on Murlocs
  • Is possibly the Tidemother

Why not tie Orcs into the Hypothetical Horde First One? lol

No it doesn’t, actually. It gives Blizzard a chance to bring dignity to Global South cultures, and a centrality to our themes that is lacking in centering Elune and Alliance-centric interpretations of the Light, Nature, and etc in magic so much.

wtb more names in general tbh


You say this, but I guarantee you that someone playing as a Troll character would post on the forums saying Blizzard is racist for doing that if it ever happens. Even then, you’re assuming Blizzard would make the character dignified, while we have Damballah in-game supposedly being vilified. Not that I’m against a character like that being put in. Though if it happens, I’ll remember this thread and try to look back at it to compare with whatever reactions there are.

Bruh literally the introduction of Zandalari would’ve caused that and it didn’t

I practice Voodoo IRL and while I’m mad they villain-batted Damballah, they have so far done aight by Bwonsamdi, and we even got Shadra (which in her Zandalari depiction was more Anansi-like) and Hireek back (Bat-warrior spirit is part of various Andean indigenous mythos).


People have written literal essays about how the Battle Of Dazar’Alor is obvious colonialism and represents what Blizzard truly values.

I’m glad you’ve been satisfied by that atleast. I wish more people were.

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And it does, but the depiction of a regal people with South and Western African accented English with Nahua/Maya architecture and Muisca/Inca themes and some Black Panther sprinkles was not racist.


Leveling up my darkspear troll through Zandalar and I love everything about the Zandalari (and have loved it when I first went through) the aesthetics of their city, the closeness of the people to their Loa. Honestly the only good thing to come from BFA is the stories of zandalar and kul’tiras as long as you avoid the war story that BFA has.

I still dislike the death of Rezan, and the death of king Rastahkan.


Another point that might be worth exploring is if Anshe/Belore are made a thing will they be an ally or an enemy to the peoples of Azeroth? Writing a story for either could work, or if you really wanted to get creative an enemy in some ways while an ally in others, but its something to consider.

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Yeah , I think Zandalar and it’s inhabiants was a high point of BfA. Now if only the ‘faction war’ story was less awful


It will be good, great! We now have two useless deities. That’s just this deity of the Horde, which means that it will be used. Shall we first incinerate with moonfire, say, Orgrimmar and Bilgewater Harbor?

A couple of essay’s doesn’t represent the player base.

Besides, the Vrykul and Pantheon are based off Scandinavian history, culture and mythology and hasn’t exactly always been “dignified”. The Vrykul are barbaric and simple minded and the pantheon itself isn’t exclusively shown positively. Were people upset? I’m sure those same people were writing essay’s about Blizzards treatment of European culture too, right?

I think with the An’she stuff Blizzard should lean into the Native American mythology more, give the Tauren as a nation and people more of a spotlight instead of just Baine, Baine, Baine.


Nah the Enemy in the First Ones should be a “Dark First One”

  • An’she and Elune are the only two first ones around
  • Azeroth is revealed to be special because the Life First One was killed by the Dark First One, but she did what the Titans did and sent their souls into their constructs, the Life First One sent her soul into a world soul she had helped create: Azeroth
  • Dark First One who killed her serves the role of Morgoth for WoW

Morgoth in Tolkien was a Valar who

  • sowed discord into the song of creation, creating the Watchers in the Water (Old Gods)
  • corrupted Sauron (Zovaal)
  • corrupted other Maiar into Balrogs (Sargeras)
  • allied to Ungoliant to destroy the Two Trees (maybe worked with Void Lords to kill Life First One?)

Yeah I’m really tired of the Noble Savage trope and it’s cousin the Noble Among Savages trope.


Yes. Please.

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