Make An'she/Belore A Thing

Well, I did suggest that An’she and Elune are the Earthmother’s Children.

But it’s not like the history of mythology isn’t kind of founded on extramartial affairs.

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True. But I don’t think the night elves would be thrilled at seeing Elune as a cheating wife.

But yah, brother/sister would work fine. It’d also tie into Tauren mythology with them being “eyes”, in the sense that they come as a pair.


Why must one religion always subordinate another? …can’t you just make the religions independent of each other but all meaningful?

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Well, then again you also have Izanagi and Izanami… Which is kind of…

You haven’t read much of human history and religious conflict, have you?

No one said anything about one being subordinate to another.
We’re talking cosmological scale here and how everything is tied into each other.

You know, I was thinking that Bwonsamdi could potentially pass as a minor Moon God/Loa due to the Blood Moon that he’s often shown with. It miiiight be a stretch due to the Lun’alai, though

Childrens of the earthmother make them in religions often subordinate.

Zeus childrens
Odyns childrens
Abraham God.

A few examples

I don’t think he grasps that all religions/cultures burrowed things that they liked from other cultures they came into contact with and made it their own.

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While yes, Zeus’s children answered to him they still had places of great if not greater respect (Except maybe Ares outside of Sparta). However, it isn’t always true. Remember that Zeus overthrew his father Kronos, who had killed his father Ouranos before him.

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Not really. That just means that’s their origin. They’re still the First Ones. It doesn’t even mean they aren’t true Gods EQUAL to the Earthmother.

This notion that all children of gods are somehow diluted “Demi-gods” is some weird cultural misunderstanding how how Gods and Pantheons work. Zeus and Odin were KINGS of their Pantheons. Other Gods were only sub servant because of monarchical/patriarchal system, not because they were children of gods.

The Only Children of Gods that were “Lesser” then their parents are those who were half-mortals.

There’s also Lugh from Irish mythology. Killed his grandpa and became the chief of his pantheon with a well placed javelin to the eye.

Plus if the Earthmother was their “mother” it is more likely we’d be going with a more… Holistic view of the entity. The Earthmother wouldn’t be a titan-soul or a First One but rather the universe itself. Not necessarily a living being in a literal sense but in a animistic sort of way.

This is how I interpreted the Earthmother when I roleplayed my tauren druid. She wasn’t an individual deity. She was Azeroth. The land. The sea. The elements. The trees and animals. Everything. Which lines up with what we know of the tauren religion way better than her being a sleeping titan.


It’s funny, my blood elf Paladin is called Heliostriker, and I pretend he’s a sun warrior pala rather than a blood knight.

In eastern philosophy, the sun is always associated with fire, the primal source of it. I don’t see tauren moving in that direction which makes them more like the baatari tribe of the Yaungol. I see the sun and moon as guiding forces for the tauren, but their prime devotion is always to the Earthmother. I also see the blood elves more in line with drawing power from the Sun.

Which is why I could imagine a scenario where the tauren lead the effort to heal Azeroth and are then empowered by the Earthmother (not Azeroth herself but the omnipresent being embodied by the world souls).

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With the way Liadrin specifically reacted to the Holy Sunwell in BC, and the whole “pilgrimmage” to the Sunwell shown in Wrath, and the whole “Annual Lantern Lighting Holy Procession from the Ghostlands to the Sunwell” we were shown in BFA, I am genuinely confused they didn’t also reveal Liadrin/the Blood Knights have developed a solar cult that still retains the “edgy” roots of Blood Knights where the way they take in the Light from the Sunwell actually causes a modicum of pain due to the remaining fel corruption, or something.


It’s definitely a missed opportunity IMO. The blood elves have “revered” the sun for a while now, it would seem like their natural progression to draw power from it instead of calling on the Light.


A Light-worshipping cult that believes in causing pain/harm/punishment to its members because it’s “good” for them?

Nah, that’s just silly. :rofl:


*sweats nervously in Catholicism *

I think they low key wanted to go in this direction but just… didn’t for whatever reason. I mean the Rukhmar mount is called a phoenix and child of Rukhmar, Rukhmar was a wild god blessed by primordial light, Castle Nathria Kael’thas is using that Rukhmar phoenix model in the encounter, and the Legion Fire Mage artifact weapon summoned the same Rukhmar phoenix model.

Lots of gesturing but no solid explicit development.

I can only imagine how cool it would be for them to have learned how to harness sun energy instead of needing the “Sunwell”. But that would make sense only if the original Well had something to do with the sun.

In my Hypothetical An’she Master Plan™, the Naaru would’ve been a joint effort between An’she and Elune.

So all Naaru inherently have a connection to An’she, ergo the sun.

So the Sunwell was originally Elune-y, but post-BC was tied to An’she.

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“It’s working! No, no, no, that sweat has nothing to do with the white-hot branding iron I’m applying to your flesh! 'Tis the demon being driven out!”

— Torturer LeCraft, Official Interrogator of the Moste Noble Order of Scarlets

True, but Kael’thas had access to phoenixes long before that—he even had one as a pet.

Which leads me to believe that the phoenixes used back in Tempest Keep such as Al’ar and the others weren’t necessarily “physical” beings, but more spiritual/magical that Kael’thas and the blood elves summoned ala demons.

Or in this case, Elementals, which Al’ar is actually classified as.