Make an expansion based off your desires!

  1. Ogres
  2. Death to the Alliance
  3. Meh
  4. Spikes
  5. Whatevers

Want to say love all the responses.

Some are really imaginative and crazy to think about lol.


Story Narrative The heroes who successfully defeated the Jailer along with the former Forsaken leader Sylvanas Windrunner. Finally leave the Shadowlands, with the Arbiter’s help. Upon returning to Azeroth and going back to their respective home lands. Everyone from both Factions are shocked to find things have changed.

  • A New Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, having progressed decades. Multiple zones having fixed the damage from the Cataclysm and uncovered new enemies.

Top New Features

New Capitals:

  • New Lordaeon, the re-built stronghold of the third neutral faction of the Forsaken.

  • Nordrassil, after losing Teldrassil Shandris Feathermoon took over as leader while Tyrande was away and made a new home for the Night Elves in the world tree in Mount Hyjal.

New Races & Faction:

  • Forsaken Officially the Third Faction, neutral. After losing their leader and finding one in Calia menethil, guided by Lillian Voss. Forsaken left the Horde and became neutral among both factions. No longer part-taking in their wars or conflicts, the Forsaken were solely for themselves now.
  • New Horde Race: Ogres & Sethrak, with Thrall & Baine gone the horde had to find new strength. And they found that in the Stonemaul Ogres and the Sethrak of Vul’dun.

  • New Alliance Race: Saberon (Doesn’t a whole lot of sense, but I can’t think of another race right now for the Alliance. Sorry :sweat_smile: )

  • Player Homes and Guild Halls

Player Power / Progression / Class Design

  • New Class: Tinkerer

~A mixture of play-styles of Shaman, Monk & Hunter involving mini mechanical turrets. Can be all three roles, Tank, DPS & Healer.

Primary Weapon: Gun or Crossbow (Not Bows)
Armor Type: Mail

  • Overhauled Professions, making crafting high end gear viable given the appropriate amount of time and resources gathered / bought by the player.

  • Integrated [NAME] System, akin to the systems in Legion, BFA and Shadowlands. With WQ’s on all four continents on Azeroth, progression like Renown, but without the drawbacks of borrowed power. Because this system is permanent. (No more borrowed power or adding new system just to ditch it an expansion later)

  • PVP Related At minimum 4 New BGs, one replacing Seething Shore and at least 3 new Arena’s. Also high end PVP can compete with high end PVE. Not be lower than. cough cough Blizzard cough cough

Copied from another I post I replied too, I will edit accordingly for this post.


Love it, very cool! :smiley:

For my ideal expansion gear is only cosmetic and borrowed power is removed. Reason is to be able to ****in play what I want. Not have to farm 0.1% of the game over and over for gear and borrowed power so I can keep up. That’s all, dont even want any new content.

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My expansion: WARcraft.

This will focus on two things.

1 Features
The ability to take over and hold outposts and cities through phasing. Want to attack crossroads? Go for it. Kill everyone, hoist the alliance banners, and slowly build up an alliance outpost with quests and new content.

Crafting directly rips off FF14. Like not even a little ambiguity to it… just a straight and unappologetic port without any credit being given. It also stays relevant through the full game.

The biggest would be the Companion system… You can choose an alt to bring with you as an NPC guardian and split a portion of your XP or pass world quest and drops to them.

2 Story
Theres a war.
The horde and the alliance hate each other.
They fight.
A lot.

3 Class design
Tanks have a pvp use… just like in FF14, Guild wars, ESO, etc. They are actually sought after and useful members of your PVP team. Abilities are over the top and impactful without the spammables and filler that make up a lot of our rotations now.

4 Gear Design
Less RNG. Each boss drops from a small pool. You can target drops. Loot is unique again with different stats and weights. Maybe a piece has ALL crit with it’s full stat weight put there…

5 PVP features
As above… WPVP is a major feature. If it’s completely broken on both sides, then it’s not broken.

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My world would have less text.

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  1. Zombie Dragon.
  2. Sindragosa revived all Dragon as Zombie Dragons.
  3. Class ability themed after Zombie Dragons.
  4. You get more gear the more Zombie Dragon you slay.
  5. There will be Zombie Dragon in World PVP.
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LOL your posts always make me laugh.

Yeah, I’m on to Blizzard too! There’s somefing supsipidsous here…hic

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Post Deleted

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We come back from shadowlands to a new host of problems. Each zone should be revamped with their own mini stories with no pop culture refs like how they littered most of Cata with. Show just how exhausted both factions have become from all these wars.

-Vendors for both PvE and PvP, with tokens and currency for the former and a side way to get conquer for the latter outside of arena.
-Disable pve trinkets in PvP, make pvp gear you get scale like how it did in WoD.
-Return power back into the classes, no more systems, no more gimmicks and balance accordingly.


You’ve presented some really interesting ideas - they sound good. They need more people like you with fresh ideas. Good job!

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I can’t make an expansion based on my desires!

WoW is rated T lol

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I can’t make an expansion based off my desires.

Some of my desires are far to dark for wow.

The other, well due to fall damage we would never survive the trip.

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Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

I definitely like when people express their ideas cause honestly it really shows how much further Azeroth as a world can go with new perspectives and passion from the fans.

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So does this mean that the Horde have one less race then? Since the Forsaken are neutral and the Alliance haven’t lost a race/had one go neutral?

There’s Furbolg, Jinyu, Broken for example, all of them are already in the Alliance, just not playable. Like the ogres are in the Horde.

You make a fair point. :thinking:

Fixed. :grinning:

I know very little on the Furbolg besides my minor interaction with them in… Winterspring? I think.

I thought about it, but meh I feel there are probably better options.

The Broken, is honestly a good idea. Wish we got them instead of LF Draenei tbh. But 3 variants of Draenei seems a bit much even if it’s hypothetical.

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No instanced content. All dev resources go towards world content. Prune spellbooks, too much bloat. No new currencies and no borrowed power. More in depth talent tree with way more options. Go all in on customization and collectibles.

Furbolgs are ancient allies of the night elves and lived in their forests, they could be found in winterspring, felwood, Ashenvale, Darkshore, Teldrassil, Grizzly hills and Azuremyst isle, I’m probably forgetting a few places too.

Sadly they have a tendency to get corrupted along with the wildlife which is why a lot of times we have to kill the insane tribes.
The tribe on Azuremyst isle allied themselves officially to the Alliance at large back in TBC.
They would also be a great druid race since some of them have been known to shapeshift and use nature magic.

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…I would make so raiding, m+ and pvp could generate gold…I want to make gold while playing the contents I enjoy…not counting carry.