Make all achievements officially account wide

+1 to truly account-wide achievements - not just for completed achievement, but also for progress towards incomplete ones. As someone who has spread my play time across multiple characters overs the years, I can’t get motivated to restart an achievement that is already half-complete on another character. It’s a shame, because I would otherwise probably play a lot more.

In addition to this, I feel Blizzard may suspect that, because a new character must restart all incomplete achievements from the start, players will end end playing more in order to complete those achievements if they’ve decided to switch mains. Ironically, it has the exact opposite effect on me, and what would otherwise be a fun, long tail on any given expansion (achievement hunting) is instead a masochistic task I’m not interested in undertaking.


blizz could just add a option under account to make the achievements account wide as a one time deal its the only reason why i dont play or make alts

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I 100% agree, they should make them officialy account wide. I mained a rogue back in Cata and MoP, by the end of MoP I had around 15k achiev points. In WoD and Legion I changed my main to a dk, during those 2 expansions I got around 13k-ish achiev points on him. All together I now have 23k (I also play on EU so you probably can’t see it here) And now in BfA because of GCD changes I’m still looking for a main and am a hard altoholic. That put together with me also being obsessed with completionism of any kind, I’m just not having much fun. Just thinking of having to do every single raid achiev or quest in the game for the 3rd or 4th time makes me burn out in my mind. Hopefully this comes in Shadowlands I don’t see any reason why it shouldn’t with pets, mounts, toys and pretty much everything else being account wide. And I agree with someone above, if people want to do them on their alts specificaly, that’s where they should update ‘‘only display this characters achievements’’ to exactly that, if people have it checked in options it would only show those achievs in the guild and would give them a ‘‘shiny’’ achievement earned sign when they complete something they did before.

I stopped playing alts for alot of the reason its to damn grindy its what burns people out from playing wow. The aspect of the grind etc gets to be a bit to much. When it comes to rep thats a hard one because of professions

Most achievement-focused players I talk to agree that there should be an option to display account achievement score in the guild tab instead of character-specific achievement score.

For people who care about achievement points, this lack of functionality makes playing an alt (or trying out a new class) feel like your time spent playing this game is being somewhat invalidated.


no one wants to replay achievements you did it your dont next

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I’d like to see them do a better job at making the same achievements carry over from Alliance to Horde. There’s a lot of BFA stuff like Nazjatar followers that you basically have to do twice for completion. Warlords Nemesis achievements are the same way even though the titles carry over if you have the opposite factions’ counterpart already.

I don’t care about achievement points in the guild roster, and if they change this, I want an option to turn it off and make it the way it is currently. It makes it obvious who your alts are when it’s the only person with 30k points.

I would LOVE if they did this. I dont even care if I had to pay to swap my achivements from my druid to whatever character. I started as a druid in Vanilla, leveled to around 30 something and made a couple alts. I was busy then as I was in JROTC and a lot of sports teams. In TBC I played mostly the pally and then in wrath I played priest. Starting in Cata, I heavily played druid and have played that druid since then. I have about 22k achievements for her alone. She got the Barron’s horse at some point early on and then I kept feeling obligated to play her. When the Children’s week came out I accidentally got School of Hard Knocks with her and then the Meta achievements whenever that came out since she had the most progress. Ive never been super into the class but I felt like I kept getting rarer stuff for her and therefore was obligated to play her. Now its been 15 years on the druid and I would love to forget her…but she has the whole damn game completed in a lot of areas. The idea of regrinding 15 years or progress is daunting. Then Blizzard dates all their achievements so redoing them doesn’t even feel good. I feel stuck with the druid forever…and they are utterly garbage in Shadowlands. If I could transfer it all to my lock or priest I would pay a lot of money to do so. Id rather it be account wide though since I have played a lot of every class for many years. Some would even still be twinks had Blizz not completely ruined the 19, 29 and 39 twink brackets.

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I just dont play 20 characters like some people do and have all the slew of achievements spread across 20 characters its mind numbly stupid. Granted some are class base like healing and dps. Thats understandable but if your playing with new people who want to make sure your not lying about your progress and have to log in another character. And that character doesnt have the achievement you see where this is going.
Its a suggestion I prefer to play my mage i dont have the time anymore to level 10 characters or gear them and grind for mind numbing hours.

Some people switch mains. Also, speaking from personal experience, it’s much easier to get groups for things like Glory of the whatever as a tank. And runs are a lot smoother if you’re the tank who knows how to pull the dungeon for the achievements.

There are many other examples of achievements you might want to do on a certain class. Shard Labor is another one (Venthyr, DH, or warlock)

I do achievements for the titles. If Blizzard won’t let us have last names, a title is just as good.

It would be nice to have titles across all characters.

Working on “the Explorer” title right now. It’s day 2 (about 10 hours into it total) just flying all over the zones.

It might be a while before I do this again on my other characters.

Titles have been account wide for along time now.

I was told, the Achievement Points don’t move with you too when you change servers/realms. I don’t know, but I really wish they would get this fixed.

I have 1 that had done most of the work another one gets credit for but not showing up on the one that actually did it. It should be across the board tied to the account move, name change, whatever. Of course unless it is a class specific, achievement. The rep achievements are individual based, have to grind same rep. Even then. Pvp titled on one managed to lose all credit for the pvp done. I know there were basic changes made to those but come on, all credit removed.

Some of the ways the points work, I get.

The system needs a rework but to go over, recalculate and correct for every account is an impossible task (I guess).

I certainly understand and agree, the numerous inconsistencies make the process much less appealing. Hard to track between characters is an understatement, purpose gets lost as does enjoyment. I’ve done character comparison among members of my lineup and just wound up going from shaking my head, sighing, wishing for the fix to happen, to realization, it’s a broken system that I wish wasn’t.

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Blizzard will ban Multiboxing software for the legit players, but the botters don’t care they still use them. If players ask for something that would be an improvement to the game, GOOD LUCK.

I agree - all achievements being account wide would be preferable. Mistweaver is absolute gaaaarbage right now. I don’t want to reroll to a better healer because I’ve spent the last few years methodically grinding achievements on this character…

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That first statement is false. Points stay with you when you change realms.

I’d love to get acknowledgement from Blizzard on this in some form.


What can be done to better address the discrepancy between character and account-wide achievement points?

Specifically as it relates to the achievement point total listed in the Guild window.

Feels great on the main to have 22,900 on the guild roster only to swap to an alt that has like 4,000 >.>