Make aimshot kickable

Bruh… again?

MM is one of the least represented specs in the game at high rating play.

Stop being bad, and just get out of our forums.

I mean I don’t really understand this train of though. Fire mage during burst isn’t kickable either. Insta cast pyro and so on. I can’t interrupt a rouges stun opener. All I can do is run mitigation. So MM has one nice thing. NeRF it. Sigh. We are also squishy. Easily LOS’d and can be cc’d in the middle of a long cast time. With limited quick hit burst. Not only that but countering spells wouldn’t make sense unless aimed shot where a spell. It’s not magic. You can’t counter a sniper. You find coverage.


So like 80 percent of you do see what I see though. It not being kickable is both odd and toxic. I agree, hunters need buffs, but the mechanic itself is toxic. Disagreeing in itself isn’t bad. But calling me names, saying I’m bad, or telling me to go somewhere else to post is childish. I appreciate that many of you changed your attitude with my last post. I love world of warcraft and my ideas aren’t based on numbers. It’s purely how fun it is to play/ play against. And the current aimshot is not fun to play or play against, especially in BG’s.

Its not childish. Most of us being toxic towards you cause of the last thread and rightfully so. Hunters are not in a great spot right now for people to be coming in here asking for nerfs

Just make sure the hunter used it’s double tap and at the very end of the aimshot cast karma death stun pop all CDs and watch the hunter melt.

Ok so one of the spells most likely to be compared to Aimed Shot is Chaos Bolt. Here are the key differences.

Chaos Bolt- Unleashes a devastating blast of chaos, dealing a critical strike for [2 * (146% of Spell power)] Chaos damage. Damage is further increased by your critical strike chance.

That is a minimum of 292% damage, is not mitigatable by armor, and is only limited by the amount of soul shards generated, which is quite a lot during burst phases. Warlocks also have 2 schools of magic (I believe it’s 2, might be more) meaning if you interrupt Chaos Bolt, they still have fire spells to do damage.

Aimed Shot- A powerful aimed shot that deals (247.8% of Attack power) Physical damage.

So right off the bat, you will notice this one is noticeably weaker, and this fact is only compounded by the fact that it is mitigated by armor. It is also limited by a 12 second recharge and a large focus cost, with probably a similar increase in usage to warlocks during Trueshot. If you were able to interrupt this “school of magic”, our only castable ability would be Arcane Shot, which requires Aimed Shot to be cast to do any sort of real damage.

So the key takeaways are

  1. Chaos Bolt is magic, which thematically speaking makes sense to interrupt, while Aimed Shot does not. The warlock is not completely shut down if interrupted.
  2. Both abilities are long casted powerful abilities, limited by resources. Aimed Shot has a second limitation of a cool down, and decreases in damage based on armor. Chaos Bolt is not as limited, but can be interrupted.

In its current iteration, making Aimed Shot interruptable would cripple hunters so hard that the number of high level 3v3 MM players would drop from the current 2, to 0. We have 1 ability that allows us to do enough burst to actually kill things, outside of that Aimed Shot tickles most folks, Arcane Shot is dependent on Aimed Shot to do any damage, and Rapid Fire requires a legendary, talent, and Double Tap(another talent) to actually be good.

If your post was titled “MM Hunters need a revamp”, I would agree and we could have a conversation, and not be “childish” as you say by telling you to leave. But the fact is you know nothing about hunters, and what you’re calling for will completely remove us from any end game pvp. Your posts and stubborness are infuriating to a class that has been struggling for multiple expansions. So yes, I am telling you to take your violin to a different audience, and maybe you will get the response you want.


I’m glad someone brought it up. To further clarify on something important, lets consider how interrupts actually work. Many of them should say something along the lines of “Interrupts spellcasting, preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 3 sec.” Now, is Aimed Shot a spell? I don’t believe so. Physical abilities are NOT spells, and do not belong to a spell school, and as a result, cannot be interrupted. They are subject to being mitigated by armor, and often don’t even do their full damage on other players. To suggest Aimed Shot to be kickable is to suggest an overhaul of how interrupts fundamentally work in this game, and a failure to understand how interrupts work is ignorance. It is not weird or odd that Aimed Shot cannot be interrupted, the game is working completely as intended in that regard.

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I think any melee right next to you should be able to kick it. Obviously spell lock shouldn’t work on it. I don’t think hunters should be countered by spell casters. But a rogues kick to the face, or a pummel to the face should stop a hunter from aiming. Like… C’mon. Haha

Wouldn’t it be easier to aim down a target that’s only 5 yards away from you rather than 40? Also, melee classes (aside from rogue and monk, since they wear leather and don’t have much armor to begin with,) already get a natural advantage on hunter, since aimed shot will do about 20-30% less damage to a warrior or paladin just because of armor and general tankiness.

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I’m not referring to dmg or scaling. Just the mechanics. I think hunters should get a rework, one that represents class fantasy more.

If they rework it, to make aimed shot kickable would require it to be part of a spell school and do something like arcane damage. I think Hunter’s suddenly having massive armor piercing damage would be more upsetting than being able to kick them.

I get that it doesn’t necessarily make sense REALISTICALLY that you can kick this fool to stop him from aiming, but a lot of things in this game don’t make sense. Aimed shot is just following the rules that Blizzard bestowed upon WoW, and I don’t think its going to change.

As far as class fantasy, I don’t think Hunter has represented that for a long time. I hear MoP was the last time each Hunter spec felt good and unique. I don’t think Hunter is going to return to that (I’ve heard a rumor floating around that Ion doesn’t like hunters, not sure why,) so I don’t think fixing the class is on Blizzard’s priorities. Considering how weak they’ve been in essentially all content this expac (there’s a better class to take in every situation,) I don’t see it being fixed anytime soon.

Just make it kickable for melee. Hunter should be punished for casting while melee is on top of them. I think they should remove survival and give the other two specs meaningful melee.

In all likelihood even there not a single hunter main would. A bunch of bad pvpers from other classes though…

Here is dawn. The biggest hunter troll there is.

Whatever I can do to make your day brighter. :kissing_heart:


We do get punished when melee is on top of us. We die. Any hunter foolish enough to have a rogue beating his face in and starts casting Aimed Shot is going to get stunlocked and die before the cast goes off. If you are melee and you are facerolling a hunter and you somehow get killed by Aimed Shot, that’s on you buddy.


Not true. Melee should be able to save their buddy from aimshot without using a stun.

I repeat, any hunter who is in melee range of a melee dps is going to die if they cast Aimed Shot. That is how you make hunters pay for their mistakes

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So warriors charge/leap. Monks roll. Rogues shadowstep… Do you see the problem with that? If my changes go through, they will have no choice but to increase aimshots dmg. Allowing their to be a higher skill ceiling.

I like Dawn. We had a good conversation on lore the other day. But still blood elf for life… Cookies!