Make a single minor QoL fix to your favorite class

Mine for Shadow: shadowy apparitions look like the player character like they used to in Cata/MoP. I seriously miss when that was a thing and don’t get why it was changed.

Give me meta back for demo!

Make it a talent. Make me turn into a giant demon that shoots fireballs.

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Get rid of roll the bones for Outlaw.


Give paladins that heroic leap thing Turalyon does.

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Human/armor mode for all Druid specs without colorization/glyph

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minor fix? increase our range.

Admittedly though, I’d rather they keep the range and instead made us like hunters in that we could DPS while moving-- either by making our abilities castable-on-the-move by default, or making Hover a toggle.

Give Hunters back the ability to choose their pets’ specs.

I think MoP was the peak era of Hunter for that reason alone.

Choose whatever pet you like, spec it accordingly.


Beat me to it!


I’m trying to think of any for hunter and am coming up short. Class has issues but in terms of quality of life stuff we’re pretty good, especially with the tomes from Scholazar Basin.

3 seconds of moonkin dancing forces all hostile entities within 300 yards to start dancing as well.


Casting while moving like we had in Mist of Pandaria even if it has to be a cooldown or slows you like it did back then, I have always missed my casting while moving.

Also cosmetic wise shadowflame fire because I want it, lol.

Was going to say the same for balance druid

Also disconnect lust from hunter pets and make it a hunter ability, like they did with tranq shot.

Either let hunters respec our pets or balance their utilities better, so that you don’t feel quite so punished for making the cosmetic choice of a hound in PvE or a devilsaur in PvP. Some gap in utility for a cosmetic choice is to be expected, but as is you can’t rock a tank pet (like rare spirit beasts you’re proud of having tamed) while you’re out questing to level up in the open world without having to pop mend pet at least once per fight.

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Shaman reincarnation resets on wipes.