You may not like Calia but as of right now she is the only lightborne undead. And well since 9.1 there is no forsaken who can be born cause we killed Sylvanas val’kyr.
So they may not like it but they kinda need her to get some new forsaken
You may not like Calia but as of right now she is the only lightborne undead. And well since 9.1 there is no forsaken who can be born cause we killed Sylvanas val’kyr.
So they may not like it but they kinda need her to get some new forsaken
Could we have gnomes? I am partial to gnomes.
I-- I’m not so sure if adopting Night Elves is the best solution for the Forsaken.
At least the Worgen are fine, they can’t reproduce.
No more faction-swapped races, especially not humans or orcs. It’s bad enough that this board keeps pushing for Alliance tauren, undead, and goblins. You want Horde humans so damn bad, the undead are right there.
“But they don’t have paladins!”
Oh well.
Do you mean like the Undead? Those are literally all Humans and you’ve had those since Vanilla.
You’re welcome.
Unlikely. Nathanos got his body when a Val’kyr did some Brendan Fraser The Mummy hijinks and transferred the vitality of the body of Nathanos’ living cousin to Nathanos, turning the cousin into a greasy spot. Not easily repeatable.
There aren’t enough of them.
I need… MOAR.
You hear in a Blizzardly voice, “wish granted!”
Horde received 2002 WoW Alpha Night Elves as a new race called Polygon Elves
That was Afrasiabi’s idea to have a reanimated human race for horde that could play as Dark Rangers and Callia Menethil lead a light/undead alliance race. But Afrasiabi bad so we all lost out on his idea because stickin’ it to the bad white man is more important than creating a great game.
Wish we would just end the long finished “faction war” since they’re all BFFs working together now.
Time to merge horde and alliance.
Not quite a merge, but Cross-Faction is coming.
Real women don’t have curves.
They have edges.
Oh how wrong you are. A tiny walking scrap pile like yourself should at least know facts before you let that poor excuse of a voice box flap in the wind. Worgen can reproduce just fine. According to Blizzard the child will be human, but also according to Blizzard it’s confirmed that Worgen can still bite someone and make them a Worgen according to the HA quest line. Then again Blizzard also said Worgen are 8 feet tall but let’s be honest with how little attention Blizzard pays to Worgen who knows what is correct.
a playable faction of undead humans like nathanos would be cool, its the only way i could ever see any type of human being playable on horde
Why though? Why would we want to be a generic human? I rather be something fantastical, like undead, orcs, elves, goblins, trolls, hell I rather be a goat person than human.
same reason alliance doesnt want to play the horde for high elves. some horde would love to play a human pirate. they just like the aesthetics
If they want to play human, they should roll alliance… there is literally no reason for there to be another human race.
well letting void elves look exactly like a horde race changed that
and we did have a human faction actually join and fight for the horde in the fourth war. and now they have nowhere else to go but the horde. theres no way for the fogsail freebooters to stay on kul tiras
Not really… Alleria was always Alliance aligned. She’s the first Void Elf…