If you want to play a human you have Horde Forsaken or go play alliance.
The factions don’t need more duplicates to be more like each other. Giving the alliance a Blood Elf appearance was a huge mistake. No need to double down and make more mistakes by giving the Horde an alliance race.
Return the Nightborne to the Alliance, and we give you the humans with all Stormwind.
…Exactly like the alterac humans and the horde. Which is why I brought them up.
I think nightborne look better than night elves after the 9.1.5 update.
Is amazing how is something looks good is subjective.
Oh my mistake, the way you worded your post made me think you were saying something else. My apologies.
I don’t know about “better”, but they do look pretty snazzy!
Horde does have playable humans. They are called “forsaken” and they are the best of the 4 human subspecies in the game.
We have horde night elves as well. They are called Nightborne, and are the actual favorite race of Elune, as noted by them not all being murdered to provide loa fertilizer and sent to literal hell. (even if their existence retcons WOTA trilogy /sigh)
? Night Elves are the second most played race in Alliance, only a few % behind Humans, and are twice as popular as the Horde’s second most played race.
They are objectively very popular based on player numbers…
Night Elves are one of the most played Alliance races. Don’t let one person’s trash talk mislead you otherwise.
…in what reality are you living?
Eitrigg and Garona have never once been on the Alliance. Garona was neutral until BFA where she joined the Horde. Valeera is not on either faction - she’s only loyal to the Wrynns, not the Alliance, and even then, she only gives intel that won’t undermine her faction ties, like when the leaders were all kidnapped by Sylvanas. Arator is a half-elf, not a blood elf. His elf side is High Elf, which is an Alliance race, not a Horde race. Calia joined the Horde at the end of BFA, she was never on the Alliance as a forsaken. (Hell, she was never on the Alliance period) And Rulkan is not only AU, so 33 years have passed in-game since we saw her, but she’s neutral.
Renzik and Grizzek are the only ones in the Alliance in this post. And Grizzek only joined the Alliance because Gallywix put a hit out on him for not wanting to build weapons of war, and for loving a gnome. And even then, we never see him as a goblin in-game. He’s always in a disguise.
And just like these goblins, and a few other outliers, there are alliance races who are on the Horde.
I love my Nightborne. I just don’t wanna play Horde anymore. I did in BFA cause we were forced to for the story, but now that we aren’t, no reason to.
To me, my Nightborne looks better than 99% of my Alliance toons.
I wonder, if like Blood Elves, Night Elves are popular partly because they have druids like Blood Elves have paladins.
That’s part of it for sure. Both are basically slender and shapely humanoids too, which doesn’t hurt. I think many people like sticking to characters they can identify with somewhat. Just look how the introduction of Blood Elves helped bolster the Horde population back in the day.
Void Elves are technically Blood Elves that were outcasts from the Horde, and accepted by the Alliance. The Forsaken (human) were not exactly welcome into the Alliance, but accepted into the Horde. You have had playable “humans” since WoW went online.
The only reason being that void elves did not exist and NE was the only option to play Elf on Ally … give a few more years and especially if they allow VE to be chosen without any pre requisites , VE’s will leave NE’s in the dust
At the same time they introduced paladins to the Horde. No doubt some people care about how their character looks but that’s all some people seem to think makes Blood Elves popular.
technically are’nt forsaken DKs humans?
I always thought that Blood Elf Paladins were shoe-horned in and didn’t make a lot of sense. I actually would have preferred to keep Paladins and Shaman faction specific but I know that would be really unpopular.
Night elves were the only druid and blood elf were the only paladin for their faction for a long time. And are still the only demon hunters.
So that definitely impacts the numbers.
From a strictly population standpoint. Prior to allied races and everything, the most popular horde and alliance races were blood elves and humans respectively, they made up about the same relative population pool on both sides.
That would have been an equal trade, strictly numerically speaking
I’m sorry squishy creature. I have now discovered he answered to Saurfang.
I always thought he was an Alliance spy as he was already bothered by our faction conflicts before and then the horde player will fight him if they remained a loyalist. I thought it made sense.
I understand there are two sides of the community when it comes to these characters however it would currently be correct to see them more as alliance than horde due to the weight of the Wrynn’s anchor.
Calia should make sense leading the Forsaken but the community still views her as alliance and it wouldn’t help that she is taking care of the fallen Night elves and a fallen Proudmoore.
You’re right. Neutral is correct.
At least Arator needs a new outfit, he’s starting to resemble Lor’themar.