Make a good effort to balance tanks in m+ for once

Please, one good balance patch. We need proper tank balance in m+, for the last seasons it’s one giga overperforming tank all the time and the rest. Make Brew and Blood playable, give them something, utility, mitigation, anything, stop with this horrible tank balance. Yes, one tank will always be better, but can we make the gap between the best meta tank and the worst tanks not so huge.


I liked how the tanks were in DF.


S2 would be a better time for this balance. Two-thirds of the way through S1 would be wasted, since we’re very likely to have another balance/tuning pass with S2 content.

Yes, and in the season 2 it will be something like “lets wait for a middle season prepatch”. Just like in s4 of DF it was “lets wait for TWW , there will be some very nice tuning for sure”.

I’m not suggesting they put it off, I’m just sayin’ whatever tank “rises to the top” if they were to balance in 11.0.7 might drop off again in S2 depending on tier set bonuses and whatever else defines performance in the next cycle.

So by all means balance the tanks for this mini patch, but you’ll probably be disappointed all over again in Spring 2025.

Well given that we started with Prot Warriors, and ended with Prot Paladins in S1, we are on perfect track for tanks to be much like DF.

Prep your bears for S2.

Prep your VDH for the rest of the xpac.


This please.

Think about this for once and accept feedback:

  1. Players are spending enourmos times in queues because tank shortage.
  2. This happens because, on top of everything else, we feel like second class customers, tank balance has been pretty horrible unless ground breaking tier sets OR S4 perfect gear with loads of item level. We need more balancing hotfixes for Tanks in keys. Any tank can tank raids that was never really an issue in modern wow.
  3. Tank balance requires more than numbers, requires reworks. Especially tanks like Brewmaster and DK.
  4. More tank players are happy, more will do keys and less average queu time for dpsers. EVERYONE WINS. LITERALLY.

There is plenty of feedback for tanks in these forums, class discords etc. You need more, ask for it. I gave mine about bdk, it needs to be reworked, less maintenance buffs that kinda make your rotation static and oppressive and less room to use that little utility and regular tank duties with such hard stuck globals. You guys have wonderful people there like the ones who reworked frost dk and retri pala in DF. I’m sure you can take 1 day and figure this out to be deployed next week on ptr if you care enough.



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They should start bygiving some love to the less played tank (less played by a lot).
There’s 6 tanking spec yet they find a way to make one of them non existent in Mythic+.
Guess which one it is… Your right Monks.
The most difficult Tank to play yet the worst in everyway and also the less played. Blizzard found out the best combination to kill Brewmasters and they are sticking to it.

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Thats rich considering half the tanks i encounter have massively overinflated egos despite being unable to link a route when asked.

Wanna fix that? Buff tanks massively making it more enticing for other players to play tank and those egos will go down when they realize most people can also tank.

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I guess, we will have no tank balance patch, as always 1 overperformer, 1 alright and other in the garbage bracket. Every single season. Sick balance.