Make 2 more Brutosaurs Mount (minus Vendors)

Just a thought, but the Mammoth and Yak have cheaper, alternative colors without service NPCs. Why not have two color variants for the Brutosaur? Maybe it’s just me. I’m not happy with the BMAH shift, but this would at least be a small compromise.


A tiny one


I agree with you, OP. It would be nice to have simple Brutosaur mounts of different colors, like the pale Brutosaur and such. Like the Mammoth, we could have a Brutosaur only supporting the rider and another able to support two more riders. That way people who like the concept of riding a big Giraffe Dinosaur don’t have to shell out amazing amounts of gold.


The Omegasaur…Omegabonesaur(You know, the undead theme.) Graveosaur… Skeleosaur… I can do this all day!

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How about something cuter and smaller like an AH otter


Listen, Vicktoria, I’m tired of your good ideas.


Yep, and not just “for a brutosaur” tiny. It needs to be smaller than regular mounts.


They should make at least two versions. An alternate mount that’s just a multi-passenger mount and another that’s stripped down and is single-passenger only. And it’s not like they’d have to do any work. There are models already in-game.


Agreed I could care less for the AH I just want the long Boi skin


I wish they did that. I really don’t care about the portable AH, I just want a long neck dino mount, I don’t care if it’s smaller.

Come on blizzard, from my childhood days when Brachiosaurus were my favorite dinos, I’m still fond of those… don’t ruin it for me.


I’m glad to see that most are in agreement to add 2 more regardless of their decision to remove AH long boi. Even if they sold the other 2 at 1 mill and 3 mill, it’d be a decent compromise that I could at least look forward to grinding.

I don’t really care if they add one, two, or all the models they already have in the database. If they’re removing the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur because they don’t want everyone to have an auction house mount, it only makes sense to replace it with a non-AH mount (or several). Making things players can work toward over time keeps people subbed.

This would be super cute.

This should have been the prize for the 400 mounts. Ivory Long Boi

Matter of fact… this used to exist during BfA BETA:



I would really want a longboi mount, but since 8.3 is the last patch it may take a very long time for us to get one :cry:

Yeah, I gave up grinding for it, sadly. I have way too much on my plate for such a time limit lol.

I want a full sized one like the original in zandalar

I would actually strive for one of the break points in collecting if this was for 400 mounts or some such.

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You leave our dinosaurs alone. You want the da stuff you got the pay mon.

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Like…a rideable one, or could he ride on my shoulder? You might be on to something here.