Make 10-man raids for Phase 4

The lack of 10-man raids in phase three has killed too many guilds. I hope devs bring back 10-man raids for phase four. 20-man raids are too hard for casuals to form groups. 10 man, and Tuesday/Friday reset instead of 1 week. This would keep the 3-day feel without having to do a rolling schedule, which is the biggest problem with a 3-day lockout. Maybe 10-man ZG and 20-man MC. If anything, add a flex raid.


We got 10 man in cata bro

boo. cata isn’t classic.


10man is garbo only reason people cry for it now is because we started out with it, They should of started with 25man BFD and 25man GNomer


I agree but I am afraid the snake ain’t eating its tail this time.

IMO it’s in denial because I am pretty sure it completely devoured itself long ago. Self cannibalization is inevitable. Normally they don’t put content so close together. I am guessing this is some type of growing pains. Microsoft and Blizzard are still learning to play together. These content drops are too close with their finite resources

Homogeneous gameplay feels inevitable as well tbh. We always end up with the same game.

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You’ll have ten man… in the form of ten man raids in scholo for rep farming and ubrs.

Not the case. More likely that the SOD team – which is the classic team – is simply working on Cataclysm. They also need to play nice with their other franchises as well as Retail.

I think making 40man raids a 20man raid is a good change. I’d actually prefer if 20man raids stayed as 20man raids though. (Like AQ40 and AQ20 is literally just AQ20 and AQ20.

I’d prefer they make LRBS and UBRS, Scholo and potentially Kara as a 10man experience. I think Dire Maul and Strat could stay as a 5man dungeon for leveling between 50 and 60.

You are asking for 10 man dungeons in phase 4*

10 mans are not raids

It is, and by design. How many times has some bigwig from Blizzard mentioned evergreen content, how they wanted to get away from developing a system only to replace it the next expansion, how they have nearly 2 decades of content that no one ever interacts with? The kicker is these have all been touted to to their customers.

Sure it’s not great for the players, but it’s even worse for the people paying for it. SoM flopped so now we have SoD attempting to bring seasonal game play to the classic variant that’s ran by the same skeleton crew cobbling together classic cata. We’ve got MoP remix dropping on retail in a few days.

Why spend all the resources to dev new content if you can just put a little lipstick on the mountain you’ve already paid for?

no 10 man is trash we need a 40 man ur trash 10 player guids dont deserve to be relevant merge into another guild easy. phase 3 isnt good content thats why the game is dead

I really enjoy a 20man raid once a week.

Have fun in ubrs. Seriously. Sorry your small guild died. Join a bigger one or quit. Thanks.

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Please no. In fact, please make it 40 man MC NOT 20 man MC. 20 man ZG is fine.

If you are not able to form a 20 man, merge with other guilds, merge with friend groups — there are always going to be other groups who are having the same issue you are of not being able to field a full 20 team who want to merge.

Use the server discords to coordinate and make posts to find other guilds looking to merge. If you make a post/advert in one of the server discords explaining the guilds situation and that you are looking to merge with another guild, you will be surprised how quickly you’ll find people who are in the same boat as you and will reach out wanting to merge — this is 10x more effective than spamming trade chat recruiting
Google: [your server name] Season of Discovery discord — and you can usually find it

“20-man raids are too hard for casuals to form groups”
You shouldn’t be able to pug the current highest raid content. This reduces the challenge of the game. This is a complaint of “It’s too hard, make it easier” – hard is fun, a challenge is fun [Note: this current raid is not hard, though I can understand why pugs would struggle]

Why wait for phase 4?

Cata got 10 mans right NOW!!!

Let’s GOOO

You know you’re gonna be 10 manning UBRS right?

Check my logs. I never said the content was too hard. It isn’t. Just annoying to get 20 people.

Your opinion is bad and thankfully Aggrend doesn’t care about it.

Always seemed weird to me how popular UBRS was and there was no other content in the game like it. Both before or after, until I guess Kara in BC if you want to count that.

10-man content is insanely popular. Do I think it should be the main content? Not anymore, but it should absolutely exist and be rewarding.

Not that per-say any one specific person cares, but the ideal track is that you have main 20-man raids, you have the occasional 10-man raids, and you have some 40-man single boss fights here and there. IMO at least.

well too bad its vanilla wow its gonna have 40 mans go play cata bro

But ubrs was 15 man for the vast majority of it’s life span sent. Did you play vanilla?

Ubrs is 10 man. And in fact I found dm lbrs sholo strath ubrs are a lot more interesting than mc or bwl.
They should buff dungeons loot to the same level as mc and bwl. So that ppl can choose dungeons or raid. Not be forced to do raids

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