Someone turned off The Price Is Right, in the common room.
I didn’t flag you. Enjoy your silence though. I’m sure a mod will love your post.
Ya I’ll look you up when I get back on
Hahahahaha this has me dying
just leave unfortunately empathy and compassion is rare among people these days.
I’m glad you find anti-semitism comical. Actually, I’m not glad. I feel sorry for you.
Yeah. I wonder what that would be like. If people cared about others or their feelings.
For someone who said they were done with this, you sure can’t seem to quit us.
Well, at least I’m not the known WOW threads troll. Enjoy that, kiddo. Oh, and you wonder why no one likes you or takes you seriously. You only post for attention, even if it’s all negative.
Not rare when it’s real. We are in a VIDEO GAME forum. This is not reality we are talking about in here…wait you know that right. This game is not real?
Pretty good idea and it looks like the Cancel Culture Brigade got to you, lol.
Gotta stop coming up with those solutions or suggestions and follow the herd like a good Orc.
We’ll finally find one that works. You know, the last solution in all likelihood.
So, I think that this is the final solution. Good idea.
well you are a real person that is typing are you not?
listen if you want to be mean and edgy on the internet go ahead do and write whatever you want I really don’t care. Do whatever makes you feel better about yourself.
Why don’t you leave?
Cant use last, you know the movie last of the mohicans. That will offend at minimum 5 people.
In all honesty, I’ve heard of the final solution more in context of suicide than the holocaust.
Wait you think I’m edgy? Yes finally been waiting to be classified as edgy for a while now.
This would be nice. But Ion exists. He hates flying. So it won’t happen.
I like pathfinder! i dislike how long it can take for part two to become available though.
So what server would I go to?