Make “No flying servers”



Edgy? We do have a demon hunter here, so…

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How is that remotely edgy? Or is this a case of a word that’s lost so much meaning that it just means what you want it to mean?

Wait are you trying to take my edgy title from me lol I was awarded that fair and square.

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Quick! Say something actually edgy!

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You are not prepared!?!

Wait, wait…us Mag’har have and edgy story, too. We were stuck on that planet with Draenai.

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…cant while I’m put on the spot. Like someone said I’m a DH that should make me automatically right lol. And a name like kaotus I’m a shoe in lol

I sacrificed EVERYTHING!!!

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Good effort, but you’re not a demon hunter. DHs gain a buff to edge-related topics.


Hey…I think Elmer Fudd found the yappy little fox.


Are there any classes that gain a buff to cringe?

Shush! You’ll summon the thiccone posting like that.


Any that are furry races.


This thread ended up being fun, the derailment was a good thing. We can laugh at the crazy grandma and her date wild bill.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were both the same loser on a keyboard.


You know I thought that for a while.

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I was starting to wonder in some cases if we were arguing against grandma and her mental knitting circle of friends on different characters

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They have a wow club in the common area lol

She was the only one talking about it, for a while and suddenly, I’m flagged by ONE person? She hopped on her alt army of censorship.

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