Make “No flying servers”

Imagine being so deep in your echo chamber, that you litteraly find something offensive in a wow flying thread. I can’t…

It’s really a tragic and sad place to be in life, and I feel bad for you. Imagine being able to see words for what they are. Your mind must be a scrambled mess to think “holocaust” from: “flying, a final solution”.

You’re making some great leaps of mental gymnastics to pull this crap off. lol wow, it must be awful to be you.


She has an alt-false flagging army.

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Shad, man, you gotta stop encouraging people to google stuff. It’s dangerous out there.


They dont understand reason. Only feelings

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Look, like I said. I ain’t one to agree with Thiccgrandma. Ever. Their M+ posts are ridiculous and hyperbolic, but even I know making a thread with the title “The Final Solution” was really dumb on these forums. We live in a world where everyone can be offended by anything. Risking that one was dumb.

Oh, I see.

The phrasing…

We’ve become a generation where words do hurt.

Our ancestors must be so proud.


You right. Google is bad juju.

Pathfinder is Blizzard’s decision, not the playerbase’s.

Ya it used to be sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt.
Now everything hurts.

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Sure was. What’s the problem? There isn’t, logically. Only the voices in your head telling you that there must be more to it…to be “offended”.

It’s to split up flying realms from non-flying ones.

With as brainwashed and weak as younger people are today, doesn’t surprise me, either.

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I kind of wonder if someone creates a thread called, “My struggle to get to 120,” will also get flagged…


Sad thing is? I was about to make this joke.

Exactly, and it’s sad. I wonder what they’re brains are doing now that their fee fees have taken over.


Prob on twitter getting comfort from the others lol

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I’ll quote this for people to read it again

I see what you mean, now. My bad.

However, I think walking on eggshells in fear of them, is wrong. There’s logic and we have rights, and we shouldn’t sacrifice our rights for anyone’s feelings. We have a right to speech, but they don’t have rights to intellectual comfort.


But seriously, how long is long enough? Why do people want to stay forever offended at a phrase. Hate the act, the event that happened. but getting triggered over key words is sad. Especially when you’re more than likely getting triggered for something that never happened to you.

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Oh drama about drama

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I didn’t even notice the name before, but the no flying servers are kind like the camps if you really thonk hard about it :thinking:

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Time to call Keemstar!