Make “No flying servers”

Well, she did tell the head nurse that she’d be better. But, someone turned off The Price Is Right, for Magyver.

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I’ll fix that

They are phasing out the other PFs for shadowlands. PF is basically on its death bed as we speak.

I paid that nurse 5bucks to keep her busy. It’s hard to find good help these days. I’m taking this up with management. She has tried to ruin a thread for the last time.

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Neither the nurse nor you can stop me from protecting others from the use of racist or anti-semitic phrases or words.

Granny no, you keep this up and no jello for you.
You can have a pudding pop if you go to sleep

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Don’t feed the troll.

It’s ok a pudding pop works on the old gal lol


Apparently it did

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Shes coming back lol

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I don’t eat pudding or jello. I eat bread pudding. Now get to work and find me some. I will file a complaint with the head nurse otherwise.

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See she went from offended to joking. She got her meds now. All clear folks

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Thank gawd.

Makes sense considering how leveling works in SL

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Truthfully, it takes a lot to offend me. The Final Solution, however, is a major historical event that people don’t need to be reminded of. And I’m not offended by it, but if someone wants an idea to actually mean something, they should remember their audience could be anyone. Thus, that means they should avoid titles which might bother people.


why was this post flagged?

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Cancel Cultists planning the end of the Forums


Oh no granny you signed into another acct. Thought I changed this password. My bad forum, I’ll change it.

The title was originally “Flying - The Final Solution”. If you dunno what the Final Solution is, google it. I wasn’t surprised it was flagged within 10 minutes of it going up with a title like that.


Granny has a lot of toons, you are gonna see them pop up now. What can I say she has a lot of time on her hands.

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