Majority will pick venthyr

I would exchange all of those for the Shivering Isles

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I really do think ardenweald is going to be extremely popular and that folks underestimate that, haha.

I hadnt even thought about the non-class specific ability. I was gunna take venthyr anyway since i like the transmogs/aesthetics the most. The rogue class specific abilities for all the covenants lack any imagination. so win/win. and i dont even care if it gets nerfed.
So far, the covenant abilities (for rogues at least) look like the worst part of SL.

If you never do pugs and your whole group goes door of shadows, it’ll be a big advantage, however, when you have to pug or work with people who didn’t get the door also, that’s when it will be interesting.

When someone is standing by themselves at a skip point while people who didn’t choose it will be clearing the trash behind them lol

If they nerf covenant abilities after launch there’s gonna be a riot in-game.

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I never did. But I will in SL

This Demon Hunter is venthyr for sure, UH Dk is necrolords, and pally will be kyrian, Kul’tiran druid will be night fae.

Venthyr sounds perfect for Priests; somewhere where they force unworthy souls to atone for their greed sins in life.

I agree, but I think it’s more so the aesthetic of the zone and covenant than anything else.

Let’s be real about power balance, most of the player base can have optimal talents, optimal rotation and still do 1/3rd of the damage of someone who knows what their doing.

Case in point: ilvl 420s out DPSing 460s

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You really think so?

I’m personally probably gonna choose them a lot since I usually find fae literature/stories to be interesting.

That said, with the amount of Horde players that are stuck on the whole “Horde loves spikes and war, evil forsaken, mad max and black sabbath” thing; I wouldn’t think that Night Fae would be very popular overall.

I’d be very surprised if they’re number 1 or 2.


Color me surprised! They got 2nd place. Though obviously we don’t know what’ll happen in-game, I didn’t even think they’d get that high on the forums.

As a resto druid taking necrolords is the way to go. So far they might nerf the ability as its pretty broken right now (the class one the faction one is hard to find a reason to place on my action bars) and we don’t exactly need the extra mobility of spirit fox or teleport and it kinda sux as I wanted night fea to be good for us

Have to admit Door of Shadows is neat but what really sold me is Flayed Shot and imo they have the best looking mail armor set.

He is a mage, too. Since when have mages never been fotm and op?

Also, DHs are the current fotm, the past 2 years actually, designed for the below average players to be competitive against better players.

This. Never discount the amount of grandmas playing this game who don’t know what a Method or Icy Veins is.

I saw that same vid and Preach was saying if you don’t take it you are trolling if it stays in it’s current state. He was saying it (door of shadows) is too over powered and needs to be nerfed before release.

But as usual Ralph you take things out of context just to push your agenda.

Ah yes not as if the same day he released that video calling “not taking Venthyr is trolling but I am serious, it is this bad” didnt result in multiple forum threads about meta slaves talking about Venthyr is mandatory or no invite

Yes totally an agenda, nothing to do with reality or meta slaves well being predictable slaves.

Blood elves are one of the most popular horde races and the reason why is because they are feminine. So it makes sense to me that the most feminine-seeming (although masculine folks will like it too) covenant would be highly popular.

gonna go grab my unholy dk and head out into the zone full of zombies

maybe see the big large undead that looks like a greater daemon of nurgle

I will not. Their class abilities are generally PvP oriented and it doesn’t work for me. I’ll likely go for night fae. I didn’t feel them at first, but The Hunt sounds great for general use and the aesthetics are good.

And all of the leather covenant sets are ugly so i’m not worried about the cosmetic angle anymore. I’d rather have the Castle Nathria leather set.

Like I said even Preach said in it’s current state if you don’t take it you are trolling . He even said it needs adjusted .

You just can’t get past that one thing he said about if you don’t take it you are trolling. When you take a small sound bite out of a full conversation as your only point you are doing it to fit an agenda .