Majority will pick venthyr

I’ll go for all of them but I dislike that Venthyr one, that’s the vampire one I think.

I don’t like dark, brooding places where suddenly emo monsters jump out at you and start complaining.


If they want these covenants to be such an important choice they need to make their mind up now what they want the abilities to be. Decide now don’t let people pick BIS and nerf it down the road. If they can’t make their mind up now then make changing covenants easy.

They need to decide what they want now. They have alpha and beta to decide.

I’m picking whichever one I enjoy the most because of aesthetics, lore etc. Picking a covenant based on current meta is like picking a class based on what’s doing the most damage atm. There is no guarantee it’s going to remain the exact same from launch through to the end of Shadowlands, and I’m betting it wont.


My main? My optimal ability. Whatever content I do with my main, with my guild, with other players, I want to bring the best version of this character that I can.

My alts? lol whatever. Vampires or the fae folk, easy peasy.

Maybe not. Got my characters planned though.

Human Paladin - Kyrian
Void Elf Rogue - Venthyr
Kul’Tiran Death Knight - Necrolord.

Ya know their poll could be just to test the waters on the current information released to see if they need to nerf/buff another.

Honestly will not be surprised one bit of the poll that was posted ends up with an overwhelming majority to one covenant and they respond by nerfing that covenant before launch…

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Majority are not tryhards or WF players, they are casuals
Bastion or Fae will win out if you are considering the entire playerbase.

This is typical Blizzard Carrot on the stick approach to boost time metrics. If you already gonna level more characters to avoid this , well you are spending more time leveling , gearing those characters and give Blizz the same time metrics.

I’m having trouble deciding which one to pick. Me and my close friends are thinking of joining the Night Fae because #NightElfClub, but I also love the sky looks of the Venthyr! Both zones are looking gorgeous and I’d be happy spending time in either. I hope they’ll let us switch between them easily, but I haven’t heard about them doing anything like that yet.

And why do we care what meta slaves will do?

We know they ll pick the highest performing, covenant, then they ll come and rage quit in the forums because it got nerfed and they spend time into that covenant

Fotmers and meta slaves are the lowest of the low, their opinion is irrelevant

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it’s early alpha. Blizzard has a long running track record of refusing to do much of anything to things that make it this deep into the dev process

I don’t know if I’d consider myself a FotMer, but I switched to BM from MM and did 8k more DPS after getting set up (it only took like 20 minutes). I probably enjoy the gameplay of MM more than that of BM, but BM is much more effective and I’d be robbing myself and my groupmates of 8k DPS if I went back. I think that FotM is more of a balancing problem than an individual player problem, but that’s just my opinion.

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I’m really torn on Maldraxxus and Venthyr. But if I wanted to min/max in it’s current state Night Fae is looking the best for paladin.

It’s just a game bro.


Based on the meta slaves and fotmers inability to play what fits their playstyle/theme and rageposting for anyone even SUGGESTING that they dont need to play bis covenant I would say they are completely unable not to take the game seriously.

Their self worth is probably connected to the game.

I lose almost 5k dps for playing vision of perfection on my arcane mage instead of condensed essence, I still beat most ppl in dps, do more than enough individual dps for the fight and easily purple parse with it.

If you are wiping because some players are bad and cant get enough DPS and you want to cover their FAILURES, then that is your choice, but they are the problem, and I am not sacrificing my fun because some players are bad.


I hit like a wet noodle unless my wings are up. Vision of Perfection is the only essence for ret.

Sad, sad times. Shadowlands not looking good for us either.

Honestly, I wouldn’t mind having an intercept of sorts.

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I figure most will pick it because of an unholy amount of vampire fap that goes on with the average gamer. I’ve never understood it myself. I want to go with the underdogs and hope there’s a buff later that leaves people crying since that’s what tends to happen :smirk:

Ya it’s called werewolfs suck and vampires are superior lol

Anyways necrolords are the best so most chars will be necro I might make a mage vampire or monk vampire though

(goes to the wow general forums)
? XD