Major updates needed: evoker

The swoop / Rescue both need major upgrades

Swoop sometimes grabs the opponent then grabs a friendly
Rescue sometimes grabs a Friendly then drops him then teleports a friendly to the spot you put the spell.

This is very broken it depends on the PVP map, but does not work properly

Time Stop PVP Talent needs Fixing with using healing spells as preservation

For example: you Time Stop this makes the target immune to Damage for 5 seconds In these 5 seconds Spiritbloom is bugged and does not even charge like for example casting a living flame. it bugs out and does not show on your screen.

So with all this said the biggest priority for next patch would be to fix Time Stop with Spirit bloom allowing you to use it but if it goes off when Timestop is still active it does not heal… if it is not active the spell should work… [maybe not] thats just how it works currently… the Bar does not load and it is bugged

Swoop and rescue need fixing in the Coding in general it bugs and targets a random player and just teleports them if it’s a weird spot. its like a warlock portal that just you see the guy glide though the air and you did not even rescue him and the guy who you rescued gets put at the first pitstop before the spell is correctly done and made.

Eh what a gross post. Evokers are fine. Can we fix the many other class issues before we,once again, focus on a already op class

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This post was about bug fixes

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