Major Mouse Issues - M2 Air

This problem is driving me crazy and similar to some other issues but I don’t think it’s exactly the same at all.

I have a Macbook Air M2 with a Logitech mouse, latest firmware for the mouse and 15.2 for macOS.

Often lately while moving I’ll click to look around, and it’ll just keep running. Sometimes backwards. If I wiggle the mouse, click a bunch it sometimes goes back to normal. I had to leave a dungeon the other day as it just wouldn’t stop running me off an edge or running right into a boss before the tank.

My mouse settings are generic, default even.

This is making it very difficult to play, I certainly cannot do raids or dungeons.

Any ideas?

I get this also, but it is not that frequent. For whatever reason it tends to happen more often when I am plugged into my curved ultrawide. I don’t have any suggestion just adding a data point to corroborate.

Hey all, just had this issue and I figured out how to replicate it on my end. There is an accessibility feature (could be new?) that was causing the issue for me.

Under acessibility or just searching in settings find the
“Shake Mouse Pointer to Locate” and disable it. Then reboot (“not sure if necessary”)

For some reason in game if I wiggled my mouse too quickly it would override the game and enable this feature and cause wonky issues from frame drops to outright retaining movement key presses and not releasing them.

Hope this helps @Calnex and @Oniana

Thank you for the tip, but unfortunately, this did not fix anything for me. It’s not a matter that the pointer disappears; I just get stuck running forward or in reverse, and I cannot get it to stop.

Am I somehow getting auto-run stuck? I don’t know which setting this would be but it’s getting very difficult to play anymore.

Are you somehow accidentally clicking a / on a number pad or similar as that / on a number pad is auto run for WoW when pressing forward W on keyboard with /

Hm, no I don’t have a number pad on it. I have a feeling I’m clicking something. It’s when I’m moving around running and looking with the mouse, it’ll just keep running, or run backwards. I’ll keep a closer eye on whatever the heck I’m doing see if I can spot it

Another thing that I happening now I wasn’t able to revive as flying back to my corpse it just starts to spin, cannot stop it from spinning.

I wouldn’t figure a Logitech mouse would do this, it’s fairly common I would hope?