Note: All names in screenshots have been censored as this is not intended for witch hunting.
There is currently a major leveling exploit going on and people are selling power leveling via abusing this exploit.
The exploit is related to the following quest:
Upon using the Temporal Displacer, 1-3 termites can be spawned per character per minute.
When one character uses a temporal displacer on a generator, the generator is temporarily disabled for approximately 5-6 minutes. Note: There are multiple generators.
The exploit is that multiple characters can use a displacer at the same time on a generator spawning many termites.
The lower level is tagging the termites and the lvl 60s controlled by the multiboxer spawning the termites aoe them down yielding massive XP for the character being power leveled.
See image 1:
Players have reported getting as much as 700k xp/hr.
Maybe stop exploiting instead? Hmm 
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It’s unfortunate but keep up the reporting on em and I’ll do the same if I ever see it. Won’t let them ruin my experience however, theirs might have been ruined at their own accord.
Well the multiboxers are making thousands of gold a day doing this so i’m sure it’s not ruining their experience. 
so after seeing this i wanted to look into it i was aable to try it out but a few things, its not as good as your thinking, first they are getting solo exp so its the same as like a Mara run (which also needs to be looked at and fixed) but theres a few issues with this first, multiple waves spawn so the people tagging and the people out of group killing reallllly need to be on point and also means only certain classes could do this. im aslo not convinced those images are from classic and not a private server. shortly after seeing if this worked or not i went to AoE hearthglen because it was easier and better exp/loot. my conclusion, yu take 5+ characters dedicated to getting exp for 1 character can get these results at an of the high lvl spots, tyrs hand hearthglen etc… honestly the 1 pull mara SM cath and armory pulls are much more damaging. i wouldnt hold my breath for blizz on this one.
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They’re definitely on classic. I see this guy doing this every day. He has a discord dedicated to it. It’s a business at this point. He is charging full groups 200g+ per person an hour to do this.
why do mara and Sm exp runs need to be looked at and fixed?
where 1 lvl 60 mage goes in an exploits bad pathing to get all the mobs in one pull and than aoe them down ? i feel like thats against the ToS
Dude this isnt even an exploit is this just big brain play, your prob just a mad little girl that cant afford 200g lolkekw
My guy whats your ign ill send u some sheckles
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Bump. On the server i’m on, they’re now advertising that they are able to level people 1-60 in 11 hours.
Yeah I was wondering the same thing? People get nerfed XP and there’s no exploit. You can still easily die doing it. I could see if you were bugging out mobs or something.
It isn’t a bad pathing exploit. Mages still frequently die doing it. Especially in Mara.
There really isn’t anything blizzard will do about it. Plus, you’re not creating crazy amounts of XP. I could see if the mage dropped group and everyone got 400-500 per kill…but they’re getting 85-150.
Thanks for the heads up. Heading to WPL.
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Amazing! Do you know if theres any booster on alliance side?
What are they charging for that?
I was wondering what was going on there a couple of nights ago…