Major issues with game design

Lets start with the general game overall:

  1. Mmr inflation should not reset when a new season starts. You should keep your exact mmr you were last season. People shouldn’t be incentivized to wait until the last 2 weeks to play the game.

  2. pvp seasons shouldn’t last half a year. They should be 12 weeks MAX. There should not be 5 different metagames within a single season. Shuffle ladder should close a few days after arena ladder and blitz should close a few days after that. You shouldnt have to choose which bracket you are pushing at the end. You should be able to push all 3.

  3. Different gamemodes should not have overlapping rewards. There should be a unique reason to play each mode. Like shuffle and blitz should have their own glad mount alternative that is a unique model and looks cool. weapon enchant needs to look cool again and only be available in a specific gamemode. Same with elite sets.

  4. Buffing the garbage specs should take priority over nerfing the OP stuff. Having specs like rsham, rdruid, hpriest, fire mage, and dh be completely uncompetitive actually makes people quit the game because they get punished for playing their main.

  5. Dr trackers, regular arena frames, and cd trackers not being part of the base UI is crazy. The game needs features like these in the base UI.

  6. Fix low level pvp so it is a viable way for new players to learn the game. Have all players queueing bgs or skirms from 10-79 be placed in the same bracket and be in a standardized level and ilvl where they can practice their core abilities.

Let’s look into some of these classes(just talking about design. Not how op or bad they currently are) :

One of the biggest issues I see with warrior is how hard they can get rock paper scissored by frost mages, dev evokers and double caster hpal teams. I don’t think any other class in the game can get rock paper scissored as hard as warrior. They should make their stuns stronger so they can get more gcds off during their lockdown window. Also probably make spear easier to spec into without griefing your damage.

Demo is a pure npc cancer spec that just spams micros. Shouldn’t be viable in its current design. Destro needs damage taken out of blackened soul and funneled into incinerate/bolt. Aff should have jinx as a baseline so it isn’t perma locked into having only 2 honor talents.

Some of the toolkit is unnecessary such as disarm gouge and duel.

Rogue having OP cc feels fair when they can die (current Assa). When they are immortal(like current outlaw) it feels super oppressive.

Ww feels like it’s just missing a stun. mw feels like it’s missing a major healing cooldown ever since they gutted revival.

For some reason they decided to make current fire mage completely unplayable in pvp. Frost mage needs its proc roots pruned. Slows over 50% shouldn’t exist. Arcane having 20,000 blinks is bad design. Alter needs to be lower duration and unpurgable

Unholy needs way less cleave and more single target. Teammate ams is way too short of a cd and grip should be capped at 35 yards so u can max range it. Asphyx stun duration should be unnerfed.

Shamans should get a magic alternative to hex so it’s not completely useless vs decurse teams.

Enhance is pretty well designed except it’s playing with 2010 mobility and has no real stun as a melee dPs. Maybe give them back ghost wolf bash or something

Rshams need an alternative cooldown to earthen wall totem. Feels way too awkward and some matchups.

Ret sanc is too low of a cooldown with how many saves they already have. Blinding light cooldown is way too long for it to only be a 4 second cc. Should be 6 seconds.

Holy light costing 160,000 mana makes no sense logically. Flash of light doesn’t move health bars in this expansion for some reason. Should make it at least do same healing as priest flash heal. Denounce shouldn’t be something you should have to honor talent into and then take another regular talent to get value out of. It should just be a baseline spell. Some of Hpals honor talents are super outdated and low value and should be replaced.

Boomy feels like it’s missing a defensive cooldown.

Feral feels good to play design wise especially after fluid form change. However other melees have had their cc gutted while feral stayed the same. Currently at a high level, if your team doesn’t have a rogue or feral on it then you are trolling.

this spec is always either super broken with nothing dying until they oom or they are just undertuned and bad. It may need a rework in how it heals in pvp.

Dh has really good burst but does 0 sustain damage. It’s in need of a damage redistribution. The glimpse immunity frame window should not be able to be extended . Darkness needs to be a stronger cooldown for how long the cd is.

Pres is prob the coolest designed spec they ever added however one of the biggest issues is that emerald communion is a completely useless cooldown into a large portion of teams. Should make this cooldown work while in clone or diamond iced imo. Should also give alternative to verdant embrace that doesn’t force you to fly ontop of your teammate if you don’t want to.

Needs smokebomb wall and mega slow honor talents removed.

Priests are pretty well designed overall. The biggest problem with priest is they don’t have a reliable repositioning tool. Give them door of shadows on a 1 minute cd.

Bm hunter should never be tuned to be the highest dPs spec due to how low skill it is and unfun to play against.

Other than that I’d say hunter has a really high skillcap toolkit and is fun to play. Not sure if they should have 3 walls tho.


+1, also add dynamic q to 2s/3s (1+1+1, 2+1, 3) at this point LFG is dated make everything queueable.

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Only things I agree with.

Shuffle mmr should reset every season. & the grinding up of MMR shouldn’t occur till about 7 weeks in or so.

every mage spec has 20000 blinks including frost

The 2550 MMR (0 cr) guys in greens showing up mid-late season. :dracthyr_nervous_animated:


Shuffle is not healthy this season. I stopped caring about that bracket a long time ago.

I get 2min ques so it don’t matter to me.

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i’ve said it before i’ll say it again

bring back overwatch 1 game design. Give everyone 1 OP gimmick

Ain’t a thread until dababy shows up complaining about mage or devoker!

see someone gets it lmao

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I agree with basically all of these things, especially the shorter seasons and unique rewards. Only thing I’d be concerned about with mmr not resetting is coming in on an undergeared alt and getting dumpstered. I think a soft reset is fine, but definitely not a hard one.

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Yeah I think it should be really hard to be undergeared. Honor gear should be made to be only 3 ilvl less than conq gear.


You forgot about how someone holds the nelf jump flip record but it’s complete rng. #7

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Pretty sure if u echo ur teammate and verdant yaself they get the heal and buff.

Shuffle is very unhealthy this season. MMR is still very deflated especially for healers

Nerf demo by reducing the damage hand of guldan does by 50% and giving them a new pvp talent that makes the second felguard permanent. We need to come down hard on them.

I don’t think the deflated is the problem. The gameplay is terrible across the map on both sides. It’s right in the title for people to see imo. Haha.

hey nice post

such a crucial part of this game-- I should be able to level a new character by pvp’ing

need decent xp and gold rewards in leveling bgs/arenas, should be competitive with dungeon spamming