Major Input Lag

I just got a new beast of a PC. Maxed settings, always over 120fps.

However I’m getting spells of severe input lag. This is not network lag. My keys won’t register for ~3 seconds, or one press will hold down the key for ~3 seconds. When its bad enough, its almost like queueing my character up with processes. I was just in a key and I was watching it play itself. Running around like a chicken with its head cut off, casting spells that I pressed several seconds ago, interrupting itself.

This is only happening in WoW. I’ve tried OW2, WWZ, Alan Wake 2, D4 and they’re running perfectly.

/reload doesn’t help
disabling addons doesnt help
double buffering makes it worse
VSync helps a little but caps me at 60fps
Reducing graphic settings to 5/good doesn’t help

Am I missing something?

Intel i9
32gb ram
RTX 4080


Did you remove them from the directory? Did you try disabling low latency mode?

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I have the same thing since DF client release.

Check settings in Nvidia control panel too if anything is on/off there.
Enable “prefer maximal performance” there as well.

If you download the addon “advanced interface options” you can search for a CVar called “gxMaxFrameLatency”, fiddle with that setting between 0-3 and see if it helps.

Nothing will completely eliminate it but some things help a bit.

Whats your home/world ms? I am having the same thing happen and it seems to be related to high world ms. I have tried everything to fix it and can find post almost 4 years old complaining about this problem and people still post about it regularly. I have even seen a blue post stating that it isnt on their end because they arent seeing wide spread reports, tho if you do a quick google search you find that just isnt true!!!

I think I found the issue. I disabled a bunch of startup programs and the problem seemed to be gone. I booted up each program one at a time to try to find the culprit…and it appears to be Google Chrome! If I have a single tab open, my input lag will kick in. Now to find out if its a setting or if I have to use a different browser entirely.

It makes a lot of sense now because I had twitch in the background today for the drop.

Edit: the difference is dramatic. I made this to demonstrate:

Probably hardware acceleration.

I found the root of my problem. Norton 360’s “Game Optimizer” was enabled, it came with my PC. It makes sense why Chrome would exacerbate the problem because there is an extension for it.

Hopefully this thread will help others in the same boat.


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