Maintenance to reset UI? Why?

Is todays maintenance really going to reset our UI’s and macros? Why? What will this solve other than nothing? I don’t understand why. I just know that I’m tired of having to redo my UI and macros for all of my characters.

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Great, just when I forgot I had a slew of Macros this post reminds me.

Where are you getting the information that our UI and Macros will reset?



Screenshot time to remember where I had everything lol.

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I too like to take baseless information and make new GD threads with it


Save your macros.cache file as a backup, should hopefully allow you to just paste the text back into a new file.

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Without proof I’m not buying it.

You know the maintenence could be to fix up critical issues and bugs that have been detected for the pre-patch.

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Such as.

It’ll be 4 hours just to enable warband banks. There will be no other fixes, but you can bet that the prepatch event will bring a lot of new bugs with it.

This has saved me many times.

Except when it came to dragonflying. Those were reset and I basically braked when I wanted to soar

And down went the elf

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

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Typical Tuesday Maintenance thread.

Never fails.

Are you from the future?

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Yes, I’ve seen the post. But that doesn’t mean it is the only fix.

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No the past. I am too poor to afford a time machine that goes backwards.

There’s this new thing called “the war bank” they’ve been trying to fix all week

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Wait. What’s this about my macros going poof? :grimacing: