Time to sip our coffee’s while perusing the forums, Amirite? which topic’s are your favorite during down time?
It’s better than doing my job?
These forums aren’t even worthy of being called a trainwreck, dumpster fire, or lolcow.
The forums back in the day, much better. Realm forums were active. Trash talking was permitted. Third-party, minimum-wage, Tumblr-moderators didn’t ban you for saying ‘buttfart’.
i like to read the long winded, crocodile tear filled posts about why we absolutely need feature x or feature y otherwise the game is dead
I mean the game is definitely hemorrhaging players. It’ll be pretty dead by t6 likely
The 3 or 4 mega servers are the only ones where you might not notice the population dip. It is very noticable on all the other servers.
no argument there, that is a reality; i just find the hyperbole in certain examples amusing
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