Maintenance: how long?

Oh so its up for everyone at Blizzard? I bet the maintenance just takes 10 seconds and Blizz staff tries to do a raid in an hour, if the time gets extended it means they wiped.


That’s one weird gerbil :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


“servers would have been up sooner, but Jimmy kept wiping us”


They are fixing the 'not able to upgrade s4 gear issue that started on the 12th by restarting their servers. Then they will do maintenance.

Let’s hope the upgrade issue is a fix.

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maintenance this week is just restarts, its not restarts then maintenance

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I hate tuesdays, what am I supposed to do at work all morning?!?!


Minecraft obviously

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IM in, moon guard is up anyhow.

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it will be up when ever it is ready

My launcher did not show it earlier, but now it says 7am Pacific to 8am Pacific time. Approximately.

Local time conversion 2024-07-16T14:00:00Z to aprox 2024-07-16T15:00:00Z

Yep. The “status” page does not show if players can actually connect to the servers or not. Just that they are there. It is not a useful page and really never has been since Authentication went a layer or more up. Does not matter if the servers are “live” being worked on or not if we can’t get to them. Same thing when Authentication severs go down. People who are in already can play, but nobody else can get to those servers.