Maintenance extended ... (AGAIN!?!)

what time are servers expected to come up?

It’s 6am during winter, I’m going to need a coffee, luckily 1pm PDT is only 12 minutes away, according to Mr Google.

im sure they said hey, how can we piss off people the most. they will always try to undersell the time it will be down that backlash is still somehow less than what they would get if they just came out and said it would be indefinite. like dear lord go find something else to do for awhile. .

You say anything disrespectful like that again and i’ll cut a square cake like a round one on your next birthday.

I really think they are short staffed tbo. No way u can keep extending it 1 hour each time lamfo, they just want to make people wait it out, get the hype going.

sometime between 12:50 PDT and August 9th, 7:00 PDT


You all need to give them a break.

Its not like they’ve had 19 year to streamline this process. Besides, revenue isn’t tied to uptime. Why should they spend shareholder money on uptime if it doesn’t add value.

just got bumped to 2 lol.

old news xd

You guys should be giving them a break. They’re a small indie company just trying to do their best. It’ll be up in 8 minutes for sure.


can someone link where they are giving updates?
please and thank you!

I have a belief of most of the experienced engineers/devs left during/after the sexual harassment scandal, and there’s a lot of new devs who are struggling
cuz nothing else makes sense other than laziness.

Usually Twitter @blizzardcs

Thanks a lot !

Usually, if it’s going to be up, it’ll be up 10-15 minutes before their set time. If it’s not up by now, it’ll be delayed again.

They had 19 years to figure out one dude would do it for 15 bucks an hour.

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Mine updated to 2pm pdt so. They delayed it again.

its already delayed what do u mean just check the main news post when u log in it was updated 15 mins ago


My launcher hasn’t updated yet.