Maintenance extended ... (AGAIN!?!)

SO you think them not living up to what they promise is good for them or us? They will still have so many bugs people will complain. If they actually fixed problems I would agree with you 100%, but they don’t, they just postpone them until players find them. It would be faster to let us play, find the problems, and then Hotfix them.

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imagine if blizz had weeks to ensure a patch was ready for release. Imagine if blizz had time to test a patch weeks before the actual patch. Imagine then the testing would ensure seamless patch days. Imagine if said company had 18 years to figure out a more efficient way to patch a product.


Your character actually looks like Jensen Ackles. It’s eerie and amazing all at the same time.

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and again…

/10 maintenances

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Just imagine if the jokers were smart enough to say 6pm instead of 11am, so when the game is up before 6pm theyd look good instead of bad lmao.

We keep saying they never learn. Its the little things that prove it. lmao

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A yearly (annual) reset on the wow economy wipe all gold and AH’s would be the best thing we could do for the game.

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Hahaha thanks! I appreciate that, I do.

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6 hrs later and still no S4 WTF!

they always have the same pattern with this bs. it wont be ready till 3pm and they know that now

I have a solution. its a bit radical but it could work.

have them create a duplicate environment to live, from here they can test new patches before they applying them. this should avoid downtime.

no go prove me wrong blizz

Oh trust me, I appreciate it too. ROFL :heart_eyes:

Here in California the grass is brown ;).

I was wondering why such a long maintenance today and you answered it - thank you, I didn’t know there was “a major patch” today.

Wish they would tell us WHY the extended maintenance.

Where is my free month!!! quit playing and trying hustle… extend it by hours every week!! i want a free month! whos with me! <3 Take responsibility you filithy animals,.cmon i want my time back!! i pay for a month not a day less ya dig!

i couldn’t agree more. a little explanation would go a long way.

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They do this every time there is a major update. They will never give you the proper times and keep pushing it back.


Oof. That’ll be a swing and a miss!

Not sure what that actually means. Also, I think you don’t understand what disingenuous means. Objectively, maintenance is extended very rarely.

Soldier Boy?

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I wish they would just do these maintenances starting at midnight or 3 am or something