[Main Thread] Hawaiian Telcom - Transfer Aborted: Instance Not Found

OMG I’m glad to know i’m not the only one who thinks stuff like that!

Thank you for continuing to work on this problem. Do you want additional tracking data, if we run the pathping test daily?

Also, I spent 50 minutes with Hawaiiantel on Saturday morning, and forwarded them the link to this forum thread. Please reach out to Hawaiiantel Technical Support. The number is 808-643-6111 and is answered 24 hours a day. Mahalo

What I have found is that I have to continually try and connect.
Sometimes it’s the Blizzard Launcher I have to try over and over again. Sometimes, it’s the game itself I have to try over and over again.
Sometimes I can get in-game in 5-10 minutes, sometimes it takes upwards of 15-20 minutes, but I eventually am able to get in.
The frustrating this is, at least for me, is that none of these problems existed before the Tuesday night/Wednesday Blizzard maintenance.

I am not in Hawaii but in Utah. I am having the same issues reported here but im also noticing that the issues affect diablo 3 as well as both versions of WoW. It is also happening to my roomate who is obviously on the same connection as me.

This inst an Hawaiian telecon only issue. All my friends on multiple ISP’s are having the issue. Here in Canada and guildies across the US. Every blue report says to send in the packet data, but it is happening to alot of people.

Whether multiple cant find instances not allowing movement or being dismounted at every zone border

I’m so happy it’s notjus tme.I can’t play unless I use my phone hotspot now.

Also from Hawaii and having the same problem, also using Hawaiian Telcom. But this is 100% due to something Blizzard did during their last Maintenance patch. Game was working perfectly right before the patch, then when I try to log on for the first time 15 mins after maintenance I immediately start having connecting to server and transfer aborted issues? Just a coincidence? They keep tryna put me off like it’s something on my end, now its my ISP? Nope. 100% on Blizz.


A lot of these trace routes have something in common, the ping increases substantially between the same two hops (blizzard-ic-348621-las-b21.c.telianet and ae1-br01-eqla1.as57976net) both of which are outside the hawaiian telcom network. Looking at the average ping times its almost a 100+ increase in ms between those two hops, which isn’t normal.

ae1-br01-eqla1.as57976net is a Blizzard hop on IP (AS57976), so shouldn’t you guys (Blizzard) be looking at the issue between you an Telia (also your BGP peer) instead of referring us to our ISP for that. Especially since as others have mentioned this only started happening after Blizz did maintenance and a few other ISPs are also having trouble.

Issue seems to be resolved atm

The issue seems to be resolved! I can access characters on all servers, and have had no issues changing instances!
Thanks for whatever it is that y’all fixed!
Mahalo very much and Thank you nui loa!

Seems the issue is resolved thanks!

Appreciate the update everyone! I’ve been keeping a watch on new reports and with this being pretty quiet over the last few days, so I’m going to go ahead and close this thread.

If the issue comes back, please let us know and create a new thread :slight_smile:

Edited: This issue came back shortly after the thread was locked. Please go to this thread for further updates.

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Hawaiian telcom - transfer aborted: instance not found