[Main Thread] Game crashing upon login of only ONE character - Error #132

I’m able to log on my main now. Thank for your the fix.

It’s working for me now after the fix.

I’m able to log onto my other level 70 characters now that were originally crashing on load screen with error#132 whenever I would try loading in. Could only log onto 1/5 of the level 70s on that account for some reason, was only letting me log onto my druid.

Am now able to play the game on ALL my toons now. Thank you

I too am curious what exactly caused this.

Was anyone just finishing a BG as the shutdown occurred? Trying to remember if mine had just completed with a few seconds left on this char that was locked or another.

Thank you for resolving :slight_smile:
GDKP cut from last night was 1506g … I’ll expect this within the mail in the next couple of days. Also if you could make my next lockout drop belt of 100D & thal cloak just like last night, that’d be great :slight_smile:

updated and hotfixed for me also

Confirmed - all is working again. THANK YOU~!

I’m back in action! Thank you and I’m sure everyone who experienced this issue would appreciate any additional safeguards/validation you can implement internally to avoid such issues in the future.

This issue didn’t affect my account (that I’m aware of), but I did want to comment to thank you for the open communication on this issue as it was discovered and worked on. It was refreshing to see this.

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I’m having this same issue on retail, is it possible it is related?

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Hey everyone,

Looks like the majority of players say the issue is fixed up. I’m going to lock this thread and ask we treat any further reports as a unique case at this time.

Pesa, this should not be a symptom seen with Retail World of Warcraft as the bug was specific to The Burning Crusade Classic only. The error 132 is quite general with a variety of causes. If you’re seeing just a single character affected, please try testing a UI reset to see if that helps.

Brewce, as mentioned above, this is a general error that should be resolved. Please also try that UI reset to see if it helps with just the default UI being used.

Some general info on Error 132 is also covered here.

Should this persist with the basics not helping, please do create a ticket so we can take a better look and offer tailored troubleshooting. If it’s a single character only, including their name and realm is advised too so we can test.

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