[Main Thread] Frostmourne World Server Constantly Dying - April 2023

Brewslee has given you links to multiple threads to this issue and we are yet to have any form of response?


Anyone else get nailed about 6:30-7 last night? Bricked my 20AV quicksmart. Two within 5 minutes, just didn’t stand a chance. Pretty over this hey


Don’t worry mate, everything is working as intended.

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I’m on Jubei’Thos and this exact same thing seems to be happening a lot since DF. It’s definitely not my internet connection as I do not have any issues with any other games or sites. It’s actually really frustrating when you can run around and talk but cannot interact with anything.
This and the fact that the terrible DF flying is soon to be released into all the expansion content is really making me consider leaving this game even though I’ve played since day 1 in vanilla.
Really disappointed over the last few weeks.


Just happened again this morning. Was able to move character around, however I was unable to interact with anything / use any actions. Unable to log out of the game, was disconnected eventually. Upon reconnecting, selected the Frostmorune realm, just stuck at a black screen with no characters. Back to Barthilas, characters on screen and loaded straight in. Back to Frostmourne, stuck at a black screen with no characters for a few mins before they finally reappeared.
Not sure what this WinMTR shows, but I started running it after I had been disconnected:


Same experience here, it seems to be unique to the Frostmourne server cluster and the server breaks every few days to a week. Black screen when you load in, no response to log out, various systems don’t respond like completing quests/looting.

I’m seriously considering moving to another Oceanic server/cluster at this point. Or just play my Horde characters on Barthilas. But it’s silly to not be able to access half my characters randomly. Any good Alliance or balanced servers?


Server is down again, what exactly is Blizzard doing to address this issue? Not really fair to have a years sub and consistently run into issues just trying to play a game, that should be playable outside of reasonable maintenance hours.


Another day, another Frostmourne server dropout.


And we’re dead again. Unable to interact in game, disconnected, black screen on Frostmourne. Log into Barthilas just fine, switch back to Frostmourne, now my character select screen says it’s the Frostmourne server but its showing my Barthilas toons.
We ever going to have a solution to this? Or do we need to just keep posting on here indefinitely every time this happens?
Now while on the Frostmourne server with my Barthilas characters showing, I get an “Error retrieving character list”. Back out, reconnect, back to Frostmourne server and my Barthilas characters are showing. What a joke. At this point Blizzard just taking the piss completely incapable of diagnosing and fixing this issue.


Yeah second time it’s happened to me today.


Would be nice to get at the very least an official we know there is a problem, or problem with server overflow and we are trying to address it, but nothing, just an unplayable game. wonder what do we gotta do to get this fixed?


So sick of these constant disconnects and black character loading screens ~~


Multiple times, and didn’t even realise it was a realm issue. Was wondering what the heck was going on especially seeing other people on my friend’s list still logged in as if nothing’s wrong.

Oh well, I guess they really just can’t be bothered anymore.


Yes, this is getting old.

What surprised me is to see in an earlier post where CS response was that they could not find any sever issues; how is that even possible?


This is what i don’t get either, afaik everyone is getting booted out of the server, the server has a total meltdown and dces everyone. Is that not what is happening? Is it just a portion getting booted?


again? srsly? …


Again, actually killed a dungeon run for people from other servers too who were lagging out hardcore.


Came back up for what 30 minutes, before dying again mid dungeon. Blizzard we really need to get this resolved please.


I’m pretty sure it’s everyone part of the frostmourne and Jubei’thos shards. Happening consistently for months, but never gets addressed.


Yup, on Jubei’Thos, been disconnected and black screened twice tonight. I agree with Tuuvian above; is it only some people that are disconnected or is it everyone? Seems to disconnect me every time though. Seriously frustrated! Free server transfers please? Or remove Jubei’Thos from Frostmourne please Blizzard?