It’s happening in dalaran realm too
Zul’jin, having incredible lag, so far in LFR and now in Arathi Basin. Can move, talk but characters don’t do anything. In the LFR instance I was dc’d after a bit, currently still connected in AB but I am guessing if I try to hearth or exit it will crash.
What zone are you in when not in those places? Do you happen to be in Org? As far as I remember, when you’re in an instance (raid, BG) you have three connections - Auth server, “home” world server, and then instance server.
If you get out of your instance server, move to Val for example, and get back in a BG, does it get better?
I always disconnect when I go to Ardenweald from Oribos, everytime, ever since the beginning of being able to go there. I could gate in with no problems with the hearthstone but something about that flight in always DC me.
Server: Nazjatar
zone : gold shire.
Zone: Stormwind.
loses connection every 3 to 5 mins
Errorcodes 51900325 and 51900319
Appreciate the move to the Tech Support forum - Standing by in case you guys need more info.
Completely unplayable.
Disconnecting constantly on server Ghostlands. Every few minutes. Losing progress on quests, etc.
3 minutes
Every DC results in a rollback
Hey all,
I just brought this up to be investigated. Does seem something is going on. We’ll update this thread as we get more information to share. Thanks for the information and patience so far.
Happened to me at least 5 times this morning getting on the flight path, and reporting bots at the neutral ah kel’thuzad realm
I would log in the 5 mins later I get DCed with error code 51900325. new error code 51900319
Editing this comment out since threads were merged.
I am in Elwynn Forest
Appreciate the quick response!
I’m currently logged into my lvl 11 Draenei Warrior on Sargeras in case further contact / troubleshooting on our end is desired.
Ironthorne Ty for investigating into this problem we are having
People on my realm are indicating that they’re being DCd when trying to port to SW, etc. Really feels like instance transfer / sharding issues here.
why delete it when it’s being responded to smhh
I am on Andorhal / Scilla servers. Currently trying to play in Kelp’thar forest. Being disconnected about every 5 minutes or less.
I deleted a comment, not the entire post. I accidentally posted twice.
its all cool I had 2 error codes 51900325 and 51900319