[Main Thread] Crashes on launch after maintenance Jan 24th

Gosh! I can’t believe it, it’s friday already and it’s the same, I keep getting the same “the application encountered an unexpected error” window.
I’ve tried everything from cleaning my drive, -windowed, reset in game options, scan and repair, nothing works, I’m stuck.
Blizzard you left me down, a little notice that the new update would requiere this or that OS would’ve been appreciated. I didn’t anticipate this and it feels like a break up. I cancelled my sub.
Big Sur, version 11.7.3. Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 M290X 2 GB


New update just installed version . Still not working for mac user . This has been this way since the update done on the 24th. Repairs and scan program offered from blizz done many times…Still not joy.

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I am very sad. I have nothing to do during work. The last couple of days have been the most productive I’ve ever been without being to queue for SS during the day. Please help, if this continues I’m worried this will be expected from me moving forward


I’m tired of reading how Blizzard thinks this is a Mac issue; it’s not. My reasoning behind this is I play on a 2017 MacBook Pro running Ventura 13.0.1., 2.5GHz dual core processor, and an Intel iris plus graphics card; I have had no issues since the patch. My Hubby also plays on a Mac, his is a lot newer than mine with all the bells and whistles, but he hasn’t been able to play since the patch. He was playing Monday until after midnight, but since then nothing.
So all you Mac users don’t feed into the rubbish you’re being told that it’s a Mac issue, I have friends who run windows and they are no better off than you. I’m sorry I don’t have an answer to this issue, but it’s definitely sounding like a Blizzard issue, not a customer issue.


The Blizzard of Lies

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My macbook meets the requirements stated by blizzard and I still cannot play. I cannot update past big sur. Opened a ticket, got a standard response but then replied again with system specs. Still no answer.


It’s just so totally random as to what is happening, and all we hear from Blizzard is the sound of crickets.


What annoys me the most is the possibility of missing out on two week’s worth of vaults despite so much of the playerbase having access. Being unlucky is one thing, I don’t mind having only gotten one piece of tier on four characters despite four-sets running around in my arenas…it’s not being able to participate at all that gets to me. It’s like this: I don’t mind rolling an extremely low roll on some loot (RNG of vault) but to do my best and not even get a shot at it feels like getting ninja looted…by the company that runs the game…lmao


If there was some overnight update, it did not work to fix problem on
macOS Catalina 10.15.7
iMac Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017
4.2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7
Radeon Pro 580 8GB

I tried the re-install of Battlenet app and that did not help fix the WoW app crash.

Your post confuses me. What you wrote supports the probability that it’s a Mac issue, but you haven’t mentioned anything to suggest that the problem lies somewhere other than the platform.

I am on day #4 not being able to launch the game. Submitted many error codes, restarted, uninstalled game, reinstalled game, anything I could think of. I use an older Mac mini from 2018, running Monterey OS, recently updated to 12.6.3 and still nothing. Trying to contact Battle net is impossible and I can’t find any info on if they are fixing the issue, is it even worth sending the error codes. I want game time put back into my account. (I know, good luck with that). I am a member since early 2012. Thinking of ending our relationship.

There’s nothing we users can do about it. None of the advice on this site will help with this particular error issue. Our only option is to wait for Blizzard to roll out a patch that will fix it. “One fix to rule them all.”


Like that will happen anytime soon. I am on day #4 of not being able to launch the game. I’ve updated every update each day since Tues. 1/24/2023 I submitted many error codes, restarted, uninstalled game, reinstalled game, anything I could think of. I use a mac mini, everything up to date and was working beautifully until the update on 1/24/2023.


I’ve noticed this as well. I’ve called out WoWhead several times now on twitter and it’s just amazing that it’s not being reported. It’s interesting that some issues have been mentioned in the past so it’s not like there is never any bad news covered. Why complete silence then on this issue?


FYI I upgraded one of my older MacBook Pro systems from Ventura 13.1 to 13.2 and it did not cure the problem. It does kinda feel like this is an OS+GPU combination problem since some folks upgraded and it was fixed and some Windows folks are also reporting problems.

Both my Intel Macs that are failing have Nvidia chips and more specifically mobile chips. Even my iMac (GTX 780M) is a mobile chip. The M1 laptop works.

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So they can let me down one last time.


It’s sad because there’s really no other MMORPG that even remotely piques my interest so I can’t even threaten to unsubscribe since it would just be my own loss. :joy:


Is this the primalists’ grand plan? If so they managed to kill off thousands of horde and alliance in one fel swoop of a patch. That’s some 4D chess right there. Just because the Incarnates were imprisoned for 20,000 years doesn’t mean you have to lock my mac from playing wow for the next 20,000 years


imagine the clowns at blizzard blaming apple… yet we were all happily playing the game Monday lol… patch hit, most of us can’t play… apple didn’t do anything, blizzard did. Junk


At least with catalyst, even if you miss this week you’ll get another charge so you’ll be able to create a second and third tier piece, if you have a piece at ilvl that you want to change. You can’t “lose” a charge of the catalyst.