[Main Thread] Crashes on launch after maintenance Jan 24th

Blizzard states they support Catalina . If they punk out on that. I’ll dispute charge and let them deal with it.


They can’t support anything older than 10.14.6 because of unfixed bugs in Metal in 10.13.6 and older. macOS support isn’t like Windows support thanks to how Apple has fragmented its own OS support.

Thats the last thing I want to do. In fact I wont I’ll just quit playing wow or go up to Monterey

Yeah, I am on Big Sur 11.7.3 , on a 2O13 Macbook Pro 13" … the day I can’t play anymore because apple doesn’t allow us to update older tech is the day I stop playing :frowning: Wow ain’t worth a new macbook lol. Although… the new 14" ones look nice >:]

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I have a late 2014 27" iMac and can’t upgrade to Ventura. I’m thinking of upgrading my Mac but I hate cobbling together a system since Apple’s monitors are too expensive.

You’ll probably be OK for this expansion, but not the next one. You’ve gone as far as you can with that computer because Monterey and later do not contain Apple’s built in nVidia drivers which are needed for your GPU. Essentially you’re on borrowed time.

Do not spread misinformation. WoW has always been native on macOS and it still is:

Fortress-Haximus:~ username$ file /Volumes/Tia\ 2/World\ of\ Warcraft/_retail_/World\ of\ Warcraft.app/Contents/MacOS/World\ of\ Warcraft 
/Volumes/Tia 2/World of Warcraft/_retail_/World of Warcraft.app/Contents/MacOS/World of Warcraft: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures: [x86_64:Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64] [arm64]
/Volumes/Tia 2/World of Warcraft/_retail_/World of Warcraft.app/Contents/MacOS/World of Warcraft (for architecture x86_64):	Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
/Volumes/Tia 2/World of Warcraft/_retail_/World of Warcraft.app/Contents/MacOS/World of Warcraft (for architecture arm64):	Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64

Wow does run natively on Mac bro…

wow runs natively broken on Mac… but it’s stil native!

Touch grass? I think you make up 50% of this thread lol…

… it’s a blizzard outside… I’d love to be playing wow but unforunately blizzard doesn’t know how to test anything before applying it. How about you?


It’s snowing here as well, looks like I picked a terrible day to come back as a Mac user! I just wanted to wander around…


Same computer, same problem, same blizzard… :frowning:


saw PTR for DF 10.0.7 was available. That works…but has a Classic banner and ‘no servers available’. PTR 10.0.5 and Live still crash.

I would still like to know how it is no one at Blizzard actually took the time to run the patch on a MacOS device and see if it launched. It’s rhetorical of course, but it’s staggering to think these patches are released untested!


Honestly blows my mind too…lmao

I don’t see how they could not have known. I’m guessing they just rolled it out and plan to take care of us eventually.

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Conjecture. I do not think that is the case.

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I forgot I had a dwarf on another server called Carrotin LOL! How do I change my avatar?

Okay I figured it out LOL!

Finally caved and currently in the process of installing ventura, i saw someone who was already using ventura having the same issues so ill let everyone know if this is a 100% certain fix or not.

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