Main quest line quest "To Valdrakken" bug

The quest “to Valdrakken” is bugged, I can not see the npc Alexstrasza the life-binder on top of the tower in valdrakken. The NPC is simply missing, I can see the ? on my minimap and world map. I have tried /reload, relogging and turning off all add-ons.


I am having the same problem. The person in my party was able to complete and pick up the next 2 quests

I havent been able to find a solution online. Seems its not super wide spread but definitely some people having this issue.

no fun not being able to move on in the story

Any luck yet?

nope, I tried everything I found find.

i am still waiting on my ticket

they probably have to apply a hotfix at some point. Hopefully it’s before next tuesday. Want to finish this quest chain so I can start doing world quests

I figured it out on my own… You need to due all the quests that get you to the new raid. Alexstraza is there and after she tell you to go into the new raid she flies back to the place where you can pick up the quest.


Thats crazy, how the hell do I know which quests to do though?

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I personally am not having this issue but my husband can’t turn in his quest either.

Thank you it worked

Seems like it is bugged again any ideas?

The way that I was able to fix this was by abandoning the quest, To Tyrhold. Once I did that I was able to turn this quest in.


This is such bad design. Either tell us what we’re missing, or just don’t allow us to start the quest if it cannot be completed without meeting certain requirements. The “ghost prerequisites” are annoying.