Main Gauche

The change to Main Gauche is amazing. But with the nerf to our overall damage, it once again puts Main Gauche in a bad spot for overall damage output for tanks. The threat for Sinister Strike has been increased, but I was just hoping for maybe a buff to Sinister Strike’s damage as well? Maybe buff damage by 50% as well as threat for Sinister Strike while Main Gauche is active. This will help Main Gauche compete a bit more with Saber Slash and Mutilate in regards to the Just A Flesh Wound damage nerf.

Just a thought. :slight_smile:

As it stands, MG is hilariously undertuned. Compared to SS builds it does around 70-80% the dps, 80% or so less TPS and the phys DTPS reduction it provides is absolutely miniscule when you consider that the SSL builds are sitting around 98% avoidance.

To add insult to injury the set bonus made specifically for it (I’ll save my rant about tier bonuses that pigeonhole you into otherwise terrible runes for later) PERFORMS WORSE than alternatives. Not to mention the terrible 4 set bonus- how on Earth does someone look at a set that gives it’s wearer either avoidance cap or a few % less and think “yeah let’s give them more armour, that guy that never gets hit definitely needs more armour”. The 2 and 4p should be rolled into 1, a new 4p that either juices SS or riposte or something coded and then maybe the 6p won’t be the world’s least funny joke.

MG has a niche in dungeons, especially for players who haven’t acquired the tier bonus that makes our AOE runes actually functional. By and large however it is completely useless for raid. By all means, if you enjoy it play it, it’s a game after all and you should play what you enjoy playing. Maybe you’ll even hold threat over the nuking DPS…maybe.

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Yeah agreed. I think if they give it a 50% dmg increase to Sinister Strike as well as the threat increase, it’ll compete just fine. Not sure if Blizz wants Main Gauche to compete as a damage rune though.

But….with how high the avoidance is in phase 5, Main Gauche just doesn’t seem to make a whole lot of sense unless you like the playstyle. Which I do. I’ll still play it. This thread is just to bring it to light that Main Gauche falls behind still on threat and damage.