Main Gauche nerf?

So, I’m the one that actually found the bug that Main Gauche was not giving the parry buff back in phase 3 when the enemy resisted. That was soon after fixed. Now the already underpowered rune is being nerfed to revert this change to be penalizing for being resisted?

Rogue tanks are a very underplayed spec. I really don’t feel like throwing us a bone is hurting anything. This is a seasonal “test” server, is it not?

Also, since when has Main Gauche applied attack power? Is this a change not yet implemented or is this an error within the blue post?

Main Gauche:
15 energy. 20 second cooldown.

Instantly strike with your off-hand weapon for normal off-hand weapon damage and increase your chance to parry by 5% for 10 sec. For 10 sec after using Main Gauche, Sinister Strike costs 20 less Energy and deals 50% more damage and threat. Main Gauche resets when you parry an attack. Awards 1 combo point.

Main Gauche benefits from all talents and effects that trigger from or modify Sinister Strike.

This way, it still gives a small increase to our base parry %. Also gives a lot of chances to proc Riposte often. All in the meantime, making SS be viable during its duration.

Also, since it resets upon parry, rework the T2 6-set bonus.

Boom fixed. :sunglasses:

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