Mailbox Purge - Active Thread

Torrsan - Sulfuras

Clear mine pls
Krankkao - Sulfuras

Above should be good now

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Clear mine pls

Littleantoni - Sulfuras

Littleantoni should be good

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Hi i need a purge for Solisus-Faerlina.

Solisus is clear


Hello, i was sent here from moderator on EU WoW Forums…I literally just had to level a character to level 10 to desperately seek help as they said that the US Forums are helping the EU players

I’m trying to transfer my 72 mage Buddybear from Giantstalker (EU Alliance) to Ashbringer (Eu Alliance) but i cant even get to the pay page because ofr HOURS it has been saying i have mail when i have 0 mail, no acutions nothing…

I am so so desperate and i truly don’t want to level another character to 10 lol…Please help me if you can! I hope i caught you Orlyia while you’re still here!

Hi i need a purge for a EU char, Rayto - Gehennas

If possible, thanks in advance

Hey there! I also need a purge for US Character, Xuto - Grobbullous

Thank you so much!

Rayto - that’s quite a bit of gold. I’m really not comfortable clearing that - because it’s not recoverable if I do.

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Can you clear Buddybear on Giantstalker EU please please please :frowning:

Above should be good

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Can you please purge the mail from my druid on Faerlina, his name is Kalawalski lv73, so that i can transfer out?

Vorck - Gehennas, mailbox purge please :)!

Okey thats fine ^^ Is it however maybe possible for a Zation - Gehennas instead then? Might wait for hunter tomorrow then

I hope this is still the right thread to request this. I need my mail purged on all my characters on Benediction as well.

Hi, I need a purge for Terriax on Grobbulus.

Requesting mail delete. Driash 66 warlock on faerlina.

Hi!, i also need a purge for Ogfireus - Faerlina.
Thank you!