Mailbox Purge - Active Thread

His transfer is in progress! Thanks for helping so quickly. He usually bullies me in guild chat, I was going to miss that if he didn’t make it to Eranikus in time.

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My brother was able to login and get the gold from his mailbox. It was from one of my other characters lol. Thank you again for all of your help today. This was top-notch customer service and I am EXTREMELY pleased!


Mail Purge please

Region: EU
Realm: Venoxis
Character: Sethrak

Should be good


I also put in a ticket 20hrs ago, but just discovered this thread
I emptied my mail… removed everyone from block list, and also waited over 24hrs on npc mail… sooooo

Please Purge All Mail on this character! Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

Region: US
Realm: Benediction
Character: Kvothestone

PLZ plz plz clear my Mailbox!

Character: Crymé
Realm: Venoxis (EU) Classic

TY !

Should be good

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Crymé should be good

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My friend has a mail he cannot delete, purge would be much appreciated.

Name: Fatzilla
Realm: Gehennas (EU)

Thanks a lot

Hi, I need a mailbox purge on my rogue

Realm: Faerlina
Name: Deathxrogue

Thank you

Above should be cleared

Requesting mailbox purge

Realm: Benediction
Character: Feyns

Cleared mail

Requesting mailbox purge

Realm: Sulfuras

Character: Plowzers

Should be good

The hero we need but don’t deserve

got mail stuck in netherworld need cleared please so i can transfer thanks

What character?

this one:)

Realm: Benediction


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