Mail, Trade, Auction House are currently not working

On Era servers, Trade, Mail and Auction House functions are currently disabled with the in-game error text “That Action is Currently Restricted”.

Confirmed this is effecting all users on server regardless of Self-Found elections.

Please investigate ASAP.


This is intended


Please upvote main thread.


It’s literally frustrating me so much. Hopped on at 4am before bed just to post and can’t, now it’s an hour later. Everyone else on my server isn’t having this issue ( crusader strike )

Its actually on purpose. They are auto banning certain accounts for breaking tos in some way. Open a ticket and find out what you did. Maybe you can appeal it.

That makes absolutely no sense, I just activated this account 3 days ago to play HC with friends…

What could I have possibly done. I have 1-character lvl 12 lol

Why would you say it is on purpose?

The hotfix seems to auto fix the aged accounts more over than the fresh ones. I do understand the problems regarding determination of “real” fresh accounts as well as fresh “TOS” accs.

However If given time, or if they could manually check accounts, they should be able to see clearly who broke TOS or was just mainly new into era for reals with good intentions.

Some of us have been putting a lot of effort into our levels and grind because thats what WOW does to you if you have time to do so tbh and if there is a system that has caged all fresh account into TOS criteria, unlucky.

I highly doubt this is happening on purpose.

Give them time to fix is all we can do.

My account was 36 hours old ffs and didn’t vote for orange man bad.

Same with me all my toons are not able to trade and I NEVER signed up for self-found more than half the fun in the game is finding and trading stuff this is unescapable I will quit if tomorrow patch doesn’t fix this Major Bug!!!


Not working for me either. This is BS.


Having the same issue on Era & season.


There’s a new 30 day limit that has totally ruined my game

Hardcore server skull rock still affected. Non-sf.

Just crickets from blizz

I have the same exact issue with getting restricted usage of AH and trading with other players. But funny thing is that my account was created >10+ years, I have been playing WOW retail, WOW classic, WOW SOD now. I purchased for subscriptions, character realm transfering and some other paid services. I have been using WOW token to redeem for play time and recently ran out of tokens so started with my paying subscription again(since SOD does not offer token system).
Last week I found myself restricted on trading and using AH. This is so rediculous! I am located in the U.S, never shared my account with anyone or involved in real money trade. I respected community players and was never banned for anything…
I opened 3 tickets to Blizzard and none of the GMs resolved the issue for me! the restriction made my gaming experience aweful!
Can any “real person” from Blizzard help resolving the issue for me?

Character name: Keslia
Realm: Lone Wolf
WOW: Season of Discovery (SOD)

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i have the same issues as well … i opened 3 tickets to remove restrictions as i never intentionally violated any TOS criteria … Blzz just respond by replying the TOS 3x … absolute garbage