Mail icon on minimap

For the last three weeks or so the icon that appears on the minimap to alert me that I have unread in game mail is missing. Where did it go? Can I get it back?

The mail icon is broken.

They meant for it to show you when something new was in your mailbox, but it’s not working properly.

I’ve logged in, checked my mail, logged off to switch characters, logged off THAT one, only to find the mail icon on the first character again.

Log BACK in only to find the same mail (or no mail) in my mailbox as the last time I looked.

Whatever they meant for this to be, it’s not working correctly.

On some of my characters it works fine and as intended. However, on this character it hasn’t worked since the launch day of WoW Classic. Sometimes it will show up and work properly but over the last 2.5 years now it has been a bit janky.

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