Mail & Femail

Are Evokers the only class that can roll both Mail and Femail at the same time?


Visage forms are gendered, but the Dracthyr form is androgynous, yes.

So are dragons. I see no problem here.


It doesn’t surprise me with a playerbase where apparently a large portion of the playerbase can’t even figure out their own gender, don’t understand that Dracthyr are not mammals.


I think technically dracthyr are supposed to be sexless, as they were made in a lab for the sole purpose of being weapons and as such have no need to reproduce. That being said, your visage can be male or female, with lore reasons being your dracthyr can choose which they identify with

I also believe this is why we have limited visage choices. Technically, we are not true dragons but merely lab experiments to be used as weapons. We have just enough dragon “ability” to muster some sort of visage form but not enough to do it like a true dragon can.

Is this a pun?
Male and female, but wearing mail armor?

If so. Well done.

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I do not think they are sexless. They definitely consider themselves male or female. Heck, even Emberthal talks about motherhood in a way that it isn’t a choice she wants to make, but understands how others could. Never says that she can’t. It would make sense for Deathwing to make his soldiers easily able to replenish the ranks. Then you could raise the hatchlings in the right environment to further indoctrinate them. They were under his complete control, so there would have been nothing to worry about.

As for why their Dracthyr forms appear genderless? Well, that is just a reptile thing. Not all of them, but a lot of them, don’t really look all that different on the outside. Dragons in WoW appear genderless too. It makes sense that Dracthyr would be the same.

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